Chapter 13: Energio's Might

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Martin and his friends all got their Disembodification license. Martin was first, and Terrance and Silvia got theirs only ten minutes later. After 20 minutes, all the students finished. After that, Zen decided that it was alright for everyone to go down to the training area, for they still had an hour left.
Martin rushed down with his friends to the practice area. The second Martin ran in he went flying backwards. He looked up. A girl with short black hair, ice blue eyes, short nose, and an expressionless look, was staring at Martin. Her hand was held up, straight at where Martin had run at. Martin looked at her. She had no expression at all, it confused him.

"Your fate is coming faster, Martin. You'll see me in my true self when you are ready," the girl said, her voice having a mixture of someone else's. After that, she closed her eyes and collapsed. Zen ran up to her and held out his hand.

"What did you do to her?" Zen demanded.

"Nothing...she just attacked me, said a few things, then collapsed," Martin angrily answered. He did not like the way he was being treated after he had been the one that was attacked. Zen sighed and looked down at her. He sent a small black ball of a dark substance and she disappeared. "Where did she go?"

"To the infirmary. So you know, that was a space sphere. It can transport things from one place to another."

"Who was she?" Terrance asked.

"Her name is Telia. Her Orb is air. She is my best friend..." Zen's voice trailed off. The rest of the students finally made it to the training room. Martin walked in slowly, checking for any attackers. When he saw it was alright, he walked in. He walked straight to the simulation and practicing area.

"Do you know how to use this thing?" Martin asked Zen, pointing at the simulation room.

"Huh...oh, yes, I have. It's easy to use after a couple of times. All you got to do is press this button, choose your difficulty level, and then start," Zen answered.

"Oh...ok. I guess I'll give it a go." Martin walked up, pressing the black button to start up the simulation. "What difficulty should I set it at?"

"Try mode. You'll do awesome with it. Energios have a lot of energy, unlimited actually...anyways, it's enough to defeat an entire army in an instant," Zen called out. Silvia nodded in agreement.

"Well, if he can wipe out an army in an instant, shouldn't he go in like hard mode or whatever?" Terrance asked Zen. Zen smiled. He nodded happily at the thought.

"I heard," Silvia began, "that people who complete hard army mode get to battle some guy who calls himself the war god, even though he is no where close to a god intelligence wise." Martin looked at his friends. He decided to choose hard mode. What harm could it do? Martin thought. All it will do is force me back to the infirmary and be in a little bit of pain for a day. He laughed to himself silently.
Martin pressed start and watched his surroundings change. He was in the middle of a battlefield. He looked forward and saw the oncoming army. The soldiers were wearing thick, black, metal armor. Martin was wearing a school robe.

"There he is!" The leader of the battalion yelled. The men in their armor charged. Many of them were going extremely fast to be normal soldiers. It was a wizard army. They drew their wands and their swords. spells began to fly at Martin. He dodged a lot of them, only being hit by one that made him fly up into the air.

Martin looked around at the oncoming soldiers. some didn't have a wand or a sword. They were the ones using their Orbs.

Martin began to fight back by, first, sending a sonic wave at the army. The ones that were running the fastest flew into the air, falling with a crunching thud. Martin, then, put his wand away and sent a large barrier of energy at the army. Martin watched a huge gap form in the middle of the formation. Martin liked this new training technique. he could use his energy at the fullest. Martin began to shoot a bunch of energy in the shape of bullets. He even began to shoot it from his fingertips, making finger guns.

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