Time has past and everyone was in a good place with their relationships. They all decided that they wanted to go on a trip somewhere. This could be fun for all of them to get to know each other a lot better then they do now. Katara gathered everyone togother to come over to her house to have a talk with them and see what they think bout the idea she had.
Soon as everyone gathered at katara andbBambi's house to find out what's going on. They were so curios to find out right away. So, they all gathered into the living room to talk for a little bit.
" So, Katara what's going on that you gathered everyone he today for? " Stephanie asked with a curios look on her face.
" Yeah. Please tell us. We after dying to know. " Joe said with excitement and a happy face.
" Well, I gatherded you all here today to ask you a question. I have this idea sinnce we all have been getting along really well since we all have been here for awhile in these relationships that it was time to take a trip somewhere. " Katara said excited to finally tell them her plans.She was hoping they would like this idea.
" What kinda trip did you have in mind may I ask? " Stephanie asked because she was hoping it wasn't gonna be such a big mystery at all. " Yes. I'll tell you where we will be going." Katara said
" So, couldn't you tell us? " Jasper asked.He just couldn't wait to find out where it's gonna be at.
" Yes, it's gonna be on a cruise ship. It will be leaving in a month. We have time to book a cabin on there if we act right now so we have a place on there. " Katara said
" Sounds like a lot of fun. Where will it stop at? " Stephanie asked
" the Carrabian islands. Its only gonna be a 5 day cruise. So it won't cost too much to go. We all have the money because of the fabulous job we currently have right now." Katara saidShe was hoping they would all agree. So, she let them all talk it over for a little bit.
Mike and katara conversation:
Katara: So, what do you think of my idea for this trip??
Mike: It sounds like a good one to me considering maybe none of us have have been on one before.
Katara: That's true.When everyone got finished talking to each other they all have a decision on what they want to do.
" Now that everyone has made a disicion on what they wanna do what is everybody's answer is??"
" We'll all do it. So, go and book it. "
" OK...I'll let everyone know when I'm done how much they owe me to make the payment for it, so tomorrow I can put it in the bank and prosses the payment for it all. "
" Awesome sauce!!!"When they were done discussing this everyone went their own way to do what they wanted. Mike stayed so they could look together for everything they had to so for this cruise. She was so happy everyone was on board and they get to spend time getting to know one an other once this cruise starts.
Secret obsession
Non-Fictionthis is a story about two friends and their next door neighbors. The girls are strips