chapter 18- safety and departing

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When it was 4:30pm it was time for everyone to be getting ready to go do the safety shit. This was the most important thing they need to do before departing out to sea. Just then they heard a voice from the speakers.

The announcement:
Hello passengers!
This is your captain speaking. Would like to let you all know to head up to your part of the deck for the safety instruction demonstration now. Thank you!!!

With that they all went straight up to the place of the deck they were suppose to be at.
Soon as 5pm came the ship blew its horn and it took off. Then the safety stuff started. Everyone was so excited to finally be on there way now. They all watched and listen to everything the people were saying, so that way nothing could go wrong on this trip and they stay safe.

The demonstraters:
This demonstration will show you how to do something in case of an emergency occurs. We would like for everyone to come back to where this first takes place if one happens. Then we will put on the life jackets and board this safety boat right here. Then you will be lowered into the water and off to safety where ever that may be. We will not have time to save your stuff unless you have something in hand. We haven't had to many emergencies to use the safety boats. So, don't worry about a thing while you are on here now. Go and enjoy the rest of our trip here with us. Come seemany one wearing a uniform if you have any questions about anything on this trip.
Thanks and go do what you want!!!

When they all finally got done with the safety demonstration they all departed and went their own ways now.

The conversation:
Katara: So, what does everyone wanna do til its tie to get ready for dinner at 8pm?
Mike: why don't we go look around the ship and see what's here? We need to start getting ready to go to dinner around 7pm. Not much time to do anything til we get done eating.
Bambi: That sounds like a good idea, Mike. We should just do that.

With that they were all in total agreement to go do that til it was time to go to dinner at 8pm. They went to look at a schedule on the wall and see what's all gonna be going on, so they could plan something for after dinner. When it was finally 6:50pm they all went to their rooms to get ready for the dinner.

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