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While I was beginning to get more comfortable with Selaphiel, I found her no less annoying. I still wouldn't look her in the false face, of course. If I had to, I concentrated past the vessel with all my will, to look only at the angel.

True to her legend, she was inspiring and noble, but God...this must have been what the boys dealt with during my early years on earth.

I didn't fully understand how someone who had foreseen everything there is to see up till now, could still remain so naive and clueless. Perhaps she had ignored the details...I couldn't say. She was still very much an angel.

Just days after our encounter with our desperate fellow angels, I caught her arguing philosophy with a homeless man. I had only grasped bits of it, but essentially she was trying to convince the skeptic of not only God, but life beyond the physical in general. She even summoned a rather sorrowful looking ghost with but the snap of her fingers, to prove it.

I shook my head as I approached the dead end alley, the man sprinting frantically past me and the ghost just standing there, dead eyed and flickering.
"Why did you do that?" I asked her.

"He didn't believe in souls...of all things!" she defended loudly, "so I showed him one."

I sighed like an exhausted parent out of patience.
"Selly..." The ghastly grey woman was distracting me from scolding. Like the hunter I now was, I was tempted to help the thing, but it was a faded, decaying creature, hardly existing anymore. Beyond help.
"Put it back..."

I could've sworn she rolled her eyes, which hurt me but I paid no mind as she snapped again and it dissapeared.
"Did you pay no attention to the work of your chosen?" I asked.

"Of course...excellent fighters."

"No, no...Selly," I breathed wearily, "I mean their principles. Their rules. Unless it's necessary, you don't tell the humans about the monsters. Their lives are hard enough."

She blinked curiously and confused at me. For an archangel, she could be almost childlike at times.
"Once they all knew...then their minds filled with metal, industry...greed. The mystic world was not always in the shadows..."

"But it is now," I resigned calmly as I braved a hand on her shoulder to coax her back to the car, "you don't want to scare them, do you?"

"Fear makes people decent..." she mumbled out her wisdom.

"Or very stupid," I argued, "Come on, we have to catch up with Amara."



I was boundless.




Every wave length, every form of energy...carried me like surfers on the ocean. Through space and time and everything in between, I traveled. I explored. I learned.
I could see it all, with full comprehension. The universe was endless, and yet I found time to find the end. For time was meaningless. Matter was meaningless. I was energy, I was sentient spirit. At times, I believed I was God.

I went so far and wide, for eons uncountable. I named every star, every celestial body, and every path of light I'd memorized to take my tours. I knew everything, except for why. Why I existed, why anything did...but I knew existence was beautiful. 

Great beauty and great knowledge were all I knew, for whatever came before this astral journey, was lost to me.

Nothing surpised me anymore, but still I found my only pleasure in sight seeing. My only purpose. Alone and free.
Until now.

Seer 4 : Risen ( IN PROGRESS )Where stories live. Discover now