Playing With Fire I/II

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I had been back on the road for several days, still finding absolutely nothing about Kelly

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I had been back on the road for several days, still finding absolutely nothing about Kelly. No matter associates, family or friends I spoke to. No matter what familiar places and usual haunts I looked into . She was still gone. It was starting to feel like some cruel trick being played on me. Like a dog asked to find the ball that it's master never even threw. It was beyond frustrating. Whatever the boys insisted otherwise, it was in fact my fault Lucifer was ever out. Regardless that it worked out in the end with the Darkness.
Needless to say, Hazel's name on my caller ID was a welcome sight.

Even if, half the time she was calling to complain, or even cry, about...well anything. The pregnancy was making her a human guessing game. But I didn't mind. It was...oddly attractive. Cute, one might say. I could do without the crying, but she wasn't exactly unnatractive when she was angry.

"Hazel," I answered the phone softly, once I'd pulled over to the shoulder.

"Hey, babe...How's it going? Where are you?"

So far she sounded fine.

"Um..not good, as usual. I am...coming up through Oklahoma, there's supposedly an old friend of Kelly's that lives somewhere near Kansas City. That's where I'm headed."

"Can you forget that goose chase for a bit? Come get me?"

"Uh...Yes, I could...why? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, Cas. But we have to talk."

"We're talking now."

"No this is important enough I need to see you...You know what, just meet me at that big park on the Kansas side, ok?"

I thought for a moment about what park she was talking about. Then it hit me. It was place she used to go as a runaway teenager to drink and do drugs with so called friends. It was good place for privacy after dark with all the hills and trees. She knew I'd remember and find it easy.

"Alright, give me a couple hours," I said worriedly, "By the pond?"



Finding her car was easy enough. Always was. The thing was obnoxious. She left it in a small graveled parking lot and was not inside when I pulled up. Anxiety hit me hard, just seeing the empty vehicle. No particular reason, I just worried too much. It was broad daylight in the middle of public place full of a people.
So I walked the short way to the pond, keeping my angst under control with balled fists in my pockets. I spotted her on the other side, sitting at a roofed picnic complex by herself.
Ironically I'd seen her in this very spot before, years ago. Another girl about her age helping her find a vein to stick.
I shuddered off the memory, and easily smiled when I got close. She looked beautiful. Stunning, really. Casual yet flattering clothes, hair thicker than ever and a literal glow about her. I'd read about this so called 'pregnancy glow'. It wasn't neccessarily real, but in her case it was. Only to my eyes, it seemed. She literally eminated a faint light. As if her very aura was brightened.

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