1 ~ intro

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Before you start this book I would just like to say, thank you for choosing to read this it really means a lot, and I hope you enjoy. This book is quite mature and will come across some rough scenes.


- parental abuse -

- sexual scenes -

- drugs -

- violence -

- rape -

If any of these topics are harsh for you and you don't think you could read something like that i would suggest that you don't continue to read this book any further.
If you are still going to choose to read this please just remember that these characters are not you, and never will be, also these are also wattpad book characters so do not think any of there ideas are big and good enough for you to follow:)


Adelaide Martin

A quite girl with big dreams and controlling parents...sound great right? Adelaide has extremely controlling parents and want to make sure she is successful in only the ways they want her to be. This has caused may incidents between the family, and Adelaide slipping up from time to time could sometimes end up more serious than it should be.

Her aesthetic...

Her aesthetic

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Yep...I am in loveee;))))

Jaxon Brooks

A well known boy with a bad reputation and his parents not caring enough. Jaxon has grew up getting whatever he wanted handed to him, growing up in a rich family never taught him much about manners and having to work for something. But as he grew up his parents started to take their focus off of Jaxon and place it on his older brother Chad, who seems to be the only one successful at the time being. Because of this Jaxon got into plenty bad habits just hoping they could grab some attention from his parents...but it didn't work.

His aesthetic...

His aesthetic

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mhm...another wattpad boyf to add to the list...;))

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