Chapter One

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Voices swarmed around her, saying different things all at the same time. No, she protested, leave me alone. Sleep, I just want to sleep.

Words that made no sense to her, invaded the quiet that she was previously in.


Her name. That was her name. Akame. Who was calling her name? It was a voice that brought back no memories.

“Akame, wake up.”

I don’t want to, she thought.

“It’s about time you wake up.”

Wake up… I don’t want to wake up.

What had happened? Why was she asleep in the first place? Why should she awake? Questions kept appearing in her mind, but there were no answers. Akame tried to remember what caused her to be in this state, but it was to no avail. Wake upShould I wake up? Akame tried to bring herself to consciousness, but it made everything hurt more.


She remembered pain. Someone caused her to be in pain. A ghoul, the person was a ghoul just like her. She was a ghoul. She ate humans. Akame swirled in these thoughts for a few more minutes, remembering herself. And when she finally remembered the events that led to her being unconscious, she awoke.


Tatara had been enjoying his freshly brewed coffee, just when his door burst open, an excited Nico barging in breathlessly.

“She’s awake! The girl is finally awake Tatara-chan!!!”

“I see,” Tatara simply replied, slightly annoyed for the rude interruption. He continued to sip his coffee without responding. Nico patiently waited for an answer, knowing that the white haired man enjoyed his usual afternoon cup of coffee. It was his ritual. But he had to tell him of Akame’s recovery. They had been waiting for so long for her to awake, so when she finally did he couldn’t contain his excitement.

After Tatara was finished, he stood up without saying a word to the other man and headed out. Nico walked with him and inquired, “So what do you think? Do you think she could actually be of use to us?”

“We will see,” Tatara responded monotonously.


Akame stared at the plain room that she was in. It was quite bland, the walls were white and there were surgical equipment at the corner of the room. She fidgeted in the cot she was in, cursing the rough and uncomfortable mattress. She had been waiting for someone to enter after the doctor had left saying someone will arrive to see her in a few moments. She had been here for at least 15 minutes now, and she was getting quite impatient.

She wondered what they wanted with her. And why the hell did they send that brute to collect her. It seemed more like he was there to kill her. She sighed to herself, content that at least she survived.

As she laid back down, resting her head on her pillow, the door finally opened, allowing two men to enter. The first man was quite tall and he had white hair while the other was rather feminine looking, although it was still obvious it was indeed a man.  

“Mori Akame, we are pleased to hear that you have recovered well. I apologize that you were brought here in such… a cruel manner,” the first man said. “I am Tatara and this here is Nico. We brought you here into the Aogiri Tree because we heard of your special abilities. We would like to request that you join us here.”

Aogiri Tree…Akame had heard of them. They had usurped the 11th ward, and they were the reason for most of the killings of the investigators. Her eyes opened in shock as she registered what she had just been told.

“Special… abilities?” she inquired dumbly. But she knew what they were talking about. Of course she knew. Mori Akame was well known for her fast thinking and schemes. Although she was quite weak and horrible at combat, she was unbeatable with her strategies. But she didn’t think it would the Aogiri Tree would actually take in interest in her. What could they possibly need her for? They already had most of the strongest ghouls in their organization. She, on the other hand, was weak.

“Mori-chan, I am sure you know of your own abilities yourself,” Nico chuckled.

“We don’t expect an answer now, of course. We will give you time to fully heal and choose. However, we ask that you stay here while making your decision.” Tatara informed her.

Akame remained silent, thinking about it. She didn’t after all really have a home. Akame moved around from ward to ward, trying to simply survive. What benefits would joining the Aogiri Tree bring to her? She didn’t have any motives for killing humans.

Tatara and Nico left the room, after informing her that she would soon be moved into another more suitable room, to which she was quite thankful as the current one made her almost nauseous. Akame closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Hey! So the first chapter is finally up! I hope you guys like it and please tell me what you think! ^_^ 

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