Chapter Two

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Wandering through the building aimlessly by herself, Akame gave herself a tour around. Nico had told her it was alright for her to take a look around and the girl couldn’t keep her curiosity within, wanting to know what the Aogiri Tree’s hideout would be like. The building was quite old and rundown from the exterior, however the interior wasn’t as bad. The hideout was quite big and held rooms for ghouls to stay in temporarily before they found an apartment. Akame had been told that a permanent apartment had been gotten for her. Two other ghouls lived in the same complex, but she hadn’t been introduced to them as yet. Akame’s old apartment was in the 6th ward, so she knew it was out of the question to return. Although she thought that it would raise suspicion to the land lord as she had left without a word, Tatara had assured her that everything would be taken care of and there was no need to worry. However he did not take into concern the humans she had befriended in her disguise as a human. Akame had a feeling in her gut that the Aogiri was going to wipe out all humans that she had ever come into contact with. She felt guilty towards them, having betrayed them like that. Even though her short termed friendship with them was not of much importance to her, she still felt responsible. It was impossible to not befriend them, after all avoiding human contact while trying to pretend to be one, was difficult.

As Akame continued strolling through the building, she came across a boy who looked slightly older than her, maybe two or three years. She stopped in front of him, as he gestured over to her. Eye-Patch, Akame thought to herself as she recognised his white hair which had instantly given him away. Akame felt slightly unnerved to be in front of such a scary and heartless ghoul. Or so he was perceived to be by everyone else. On the contrary, as Akame looked at the boy in front of her, he didn’t give the image of being heartless. He seemed to be quite the opposite. She almost doubted that this was Eye-Patch. Maybe it was some other ghoul, who had the same hair-colour.

“You must be Akame, the new recruit. My name is Kaneki Ken,” the white haired boy stated politely.

“Eye-Patch,” she replied hesitantly, taking in his reaction. He smiled at her, confirming her statement. He looked trustworthy, but Akame always found it hard to trust people. They were all so deceiving. Could someone so strong be so kind? She stared at him, taking note of his mannerisms. He seemed to be quite shy and awkward, the exact opposite of what she had expected the famous ghoul to be like. She was curious to know more about him. There were rumours, that he was half-human, half-ghoul. She didn’t think it was possible, but looking at the young teenager in front of her, her uncertainty slowly faded. Curiosity burned her, but she swallowed it, being too shy to ask.

“You were being moved to our complex, my own and my partner’s, so Nico told me to collect you and show you where your new apartment will be,” Kaneki explained.

“I see,” she nodded in response. She couldn’t believe that she would be living in the same building as Kaneki, the one eyed ghoul. She never thought that this would ever happen, but here she was standing in front of said ghoul.

“Partner?” she asked, realizing what he said.

“Ah yes. For you I believe you’ll be working under Tatara-san, however when you have been promoted eventually they pair you with someone. You’ll meet Ayato sooner or later.”

“Oh,” she responded, frowning. The name seemed familiar to her but no one came to mind. She quickly diminished her thoughts as Kaneki led her to the apartment complex. As they walked out in public, Akame looked around at her surroundings, but it was quite drab and boring. Ever since the Aogiri Tree had invaded the 11th ward, everything was gloomy and looked like a slum. Soon enough, Kaneki and Akame arrived in front of the apartment complex. Kaneki led her inside the compound and they walked in together. After Kaneki had unlocked the entrance door to their building, they walked in to find a blue haired boy walking towards them.  

“Ayato-san,” Kaneki greeted the ghoul.

Akame’s eyes widened in shock, as she took in the face of the blue haired man. Painful memories came to her, all in a rush. This was him. He was the boy who was ‘supposedly’ collecting her, though it seemed that he had been there to kill. She had been so sure that she was going to die that night. Now she was unsure if it was for the best that she had survived. She knew the Aogiri Tree showed no remorse for the weak, which was actually what she was. It still confounded her as to why they wanted her. She could not fight.

She noticed the boy’s eyes fleeting towards her, and an instant smirk was plastered onto his face. He recognized her. She was the package that he had to bring back to the Aogiri. A very disappointing package, seeing as she had been so frail and quick to collapse. He obviously didn’t think it was important if she was brought in either alive or barely. He had hopes that she would’ve been a strong combat for him. After all, for the Aogiri Tree to request that someone join them was a big deal. He was, however, dissatisfied, as she had turned out to be weak trash. He sighed to himself wondering why the Aogiri Tree would be interested in a wimp like her.

Akame could tell that he despised her as she saw the distaste evident in his eyes. As she looked at him, she could almost read his mind as he thought of what a pitiful scum she was.

 “Ayato, this is Akame,” Kaneki introduced the two.

“Tch,” was the response given.

He brushed past her violently, exiting the building. After he left, Kaneki smiled apologetically towards her and then continued to show her to the apartment she had been given. Akame’s thoughts were far away from where they were headed as she relived that forsaking night over again in her head. 

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