Chapter 19

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Motherfucking bastards! Smashing the laptop shut, I growled at the pilots who had turned around in surprise at the noise. Their eyes widened upon meeting my stare, hearts picking up speed as the smell of fear oozed from their pores. Lowering their gazes immediately, they turned back around, leaving me to my foul mood. Gulping the whiskey down, I enjoyed the momentary burn that trickled down my throat, spreading heat in its wake.


I could hear the tinkling of bottles followed by scurried footsteps before the she-wolf appeared in my line of sight, trembling and nervous. Quickly pouring the drink into the glass she withdrew, maintaining a good distance between her and my hands that had choked her for smiling in my direction earlier.

"I-is there a-anything else Beta?"

Downing my drink, I threw the glass in her direction. She squeaked as the glass hit her right above her knees before falling to the floor.

"Fuck off".

Hastily picking up the glass, she ran out of sight, leaving a pungent scent of fear mixed with relief behind. Leaning back on the seat and closing my eyes, I sighed. A twinge of guilt passed through me for lashing out on these wolves who had done nothing to deserve it. It wasn't the sort of behaviour I would normally be associated with or at least not when it came to distinguishing between us five.

Our defining traits was how we had earned our roles in the pack.

Alex and Marcus were the strongest amongst us, trained and bred to be ruthless killing machines by our sadistic Father. So, it was only natural that they took over as Alphas when we all turned 80. James was the next born and became First Beta when Alex and Marcus ascended.

He was the diplomat, neither here nor there, making him the perfect candidate to represent the pack in the supernatural world. He was the one with the ideas, able to control his instincts long enough to see sense. And even though he played the neutral card well, his loyalty to the pack and the Alphas could never be doubted.

Kole was the fastest and stealthiest when it came to all five of us. He was in fact faster than the Alphas, his agility making him a strong and cunning opponent on the training field. But what made him even more deadlier was the fact that his wolf was highly unpredictable, more dominant, and out of control. But given his natural talent in fighting, he was made Second Beta and was put in charge to lead and train the warriors in our pack.

Being the last born, I became the Third Beta. My natural predisposition towards tolerance and understanding made me the mediator and ambassador who represented the pack in the human world. Years of training and studying, I handled all the dealings when it came to humans. And although, I had been disgruntled initially, I was more than happy about the role now.

It was this role that had brought me to my mate. To my Mia. I guess everything happens for a reason.

Thinking about her, I recalled our conversation after the phone call with James had ended. My mood quickly soured as I remembered her getting upset over the fact that I had to leave. She had started to cry and it had taken me a while to calm her down and promise her that we would meet again very soon. Fuck!

Our mating had brought us closer, the bond strengthening and drawing us together like magnets. Very soon, my wolf wouldn't allow me to leave her side and she would probably have to deal with panic attacks and depression if I'm not around. Or at least that's what happens to she-wolves when separated from their mates. But judging by her reaction, I knew that she would experience something very similar. Heck! I had even felt her pain when she thought I was going to leave her. That had definitely taken me by surprise. The bond was far stronger than I thought.

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