#62 mY MOM JSRTFDVSjhjde

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OKay so let me tell y'all a story...

My mom charges into my room and goes "hEY!"
So naturally I spazz and freak out thinking I did something wrong. She sits down on my bed and goes "You know what you did." and I'm here like "haHAHAHA what are you talking about Im innocent" bc I was totally guilty. We have a staring contest for 274329 years and I finally snap (keep in mind im shaking and about to have a mental breakdown) and confess my sins.

"I didnt mean to get a bad grade it's just I tried to study and I was really tired and ugh IM sorry mom juST DONT TAKE AWAY MY ANIME!" then this sneaky snek gives me an O.o face and goes:

"Oh wow I didnt even know about that." And that's where I anime fall and shoot myself. "I was only going to come in here aND TELL YOU I LOVE YOU BUT ALRIGHT" So basically she didnt know anything and was just messing with me and that's not cool.

r u the spawn of satan bc that is truly evil i was about to throw up my kidneys from all the anxiety

like bruh y u gotta play with my feelings like that

So basically I feel betrayed on so many levels

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