Unexpected Acquaintance

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{you will get info on y/n during this chapter don't worry}

Y/n POV:

Like every day I was skipping from alleyway to alleyway about to "get" coffee, (as any villain would) when I accidentally bumped into a tall figure. When I looked up at him I saw that he had purple burn scars littering his face but was still extremely attractive for no reason.

He look down at me with a smirk never leaving his lips and said "you just gonna keep staring darling, you might want to get up".

I just scoffed and got up before muttering a sorry. He then looked at me for a bit before deciding on something." You are a villain, correct?" I just nodded and he grinned and asked if I wanted to go somewhere with him which I excepted

I'll be fine, I can defend myself. What could go wrong.

After a little while of walking he took me to what looked like an abandoned bar and led me inside.

Once we got inside their were a couple people inside being; the villain and league of villains leader, shigaraki (fucking sand paper reject), A cute school girl with to blond messy buns, toga, and a villain looking like a magician, Mr. Compress. I soon learned that the man I had bumped into was a villain who goes by the name dabi.

Suits him

Dabi gets bombarded with questions from everyone, manly asking who I was and why he would bring me to their hideout. I just stood there awkwardly till the little blonde, toga (queen) came up to me and asked for my name.

"Oh! Hi I'm y/n"

"Ooooo such a pretty name, I wonder what your bloods like" the blonde exclaimed, which kind of freaked me out but then remembered she was a villain.

"So y/n what's your quirk, since this dumbass brought you here you'll either have to join us or we will have to kill you so if your quirk is useful then ide like to know." Shigaraki says bluntly. I hesitate before telling them my quirk, but soon tell them anyway.

"Oh, well, my quirk is called stretch, I can basically stretch out any of my limbs to any length or create new limbs from my body, although creating new limbs is quite draining." I explained

"Hmm that could be quite useful to our league." He thought out loud while scratching his neck

This could be kind of fun, but I wonder how many people there are

You were suddenly snapped out of your thoughts from dabi flicking your forehead. "Bruh what the fuck" I said while touching my forehead. "You were zoning out" he said blankly.

Toga came up to me once more and started playing with my hair but I didn't mind.

"Pleaseee tomara they are Soo pretty and I need a friend" she said, fingers still intertwined with my hair.

"I think you could be useful to us so why not, but we don't have any extra room so you will share a room with....hmm how about dabi"

For some reason dabi seemed to like this idea but I definitely did not.

Oh shit what about my nightmares

Dabi looked down at you and asked if you had anything to move into the room but you simply said no. Everything you had and needed was in your backpack and that was with you.

Dabi showed you the room. When you walked in you looked around but there wasn't much to look at. He had some clothes on the floor, a MCR poster up, (emo💔🖤🥀) a desk and a bed in the courner. You put your backpack down in the chair and stood there awkwardly.

"So tell me about you, when I met you I could tell you were strong so I just brought you here" dabi stated. He sat down on his bed and patted next to him, telling you to sit down.

You slowing sat down and began.

"Well my name is y/n l/n, I'm 18 I think. I WAS a homeless villain untill about 15 minutes ago. Ummm I don't fucking know, I like to read?" You giggled.

"Wait you don't know your age?"

"It's a blur really, I don't know my birthday either"

"Bruh- well um what kind of music do you like"

"Oh don't worry I'm a bit emo too"

He just chuckled a bit and sat back to grab his phone. Once he had his phone he went to Spotify and turned on some music so we could get to know each other and vibe.

After a bit he grabbed something but I couldn't tell what it was. "Wanna smoke?" I looked at him for a sec then accepted. He seemed a bit surprised but I just laughed a little.

Dabi was really attractive but I think we will be good friends....

{805 words}

Princess~ { Dabi x reader Smut/Angst}Where stories live. Discover now