Hide and Seek

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I'm just really bored and I don't know what to post, so here u go, a very trashy chapter.

"3,2,1. Ready or not, here I come!" Paddy exclaimed and went to look for his siblings who were hiding.

Today was just like any other day. Wake up, get ready for the day, eat, watch TV, do chores, eat, watch whatever you guys can find, eat, get ready for bed, and sleep. Same old routine.

But today, the five of you decided to play that one fun and loving game.

Hide and seek.

Paddy entered Tom's room, he first checked under his bed- thinking you would be there- but you weren't. So he checked his bathroom and there he found no one.

So next he went to the twins' room and checked everywhere, then when he opened the closest he found Sam hurried in his own clothes. After that, they went to your room to find the remaining hiders.

When the two checked the bathroom, they found Tom hiding behind the shower curtain.
Then, the three walked to the living room and looked up, down, and every corner.

There they found Harry hiding behind a stack of books you owned. Then the four went to the kitchen to find you. Knowing that you would probably be eating instead of hiding.

But when they arrived they didn't see you, so they went to check the fridge and under the kitchen table. But you weren't there.

So they figured that you would be hinding in the last place they would check, the pastry room or the snack room.

(Bruh don't attack me it took me a while to find the name of it and I can't find it so I just ended up with pastry room.)

Tom opened the door, thinking that they would find you in there snacking on some chocolate, but then again. You weren't there.

Then the boys began to panic and also began to look for you EVERYWHERE. But no luck.

Soon, seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours.

It had been 4 hours since they have seen you.

But Paddy stopped, "Wait." His brothers looked at him. "She's small." He spoke again.

Harry nodded, "Yeah, so?"

"So, it means she's hiding somewhere small..." Said Paddy, Tom gasped and ran to your room and opened your cabinet.

And there you were, sleeping inside of a cabinet because it took your brothers 4 hours to find you.

Tom sighed in relief and carried you to your bed and covered you with a blanket.

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