Birthday Puppy

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TW: none

"Shh," Tom placed a finger in front of his lips. His siblings nodded at him and slowly entered their sister's room.

"Wake up birthday girl," Tom cooed while Y/N groaned at him. "Go away, I want to continue dreaming about my fictional husband." 

"No time for that, move yo booty cause we've got a gift for you downstairs." Sam said and DRAGGED her out of her bed, her hair still messy and tripping on almost everything. "Sam no, let me sleep." Y/N said as Paddy also dragged her downstairs, carefully of course.

"Close your eyes," Said Harry when they got to the living room. Y/N covered her eyes with one hand before Tom sighs and grabs a blindfold. "Here, wear this." He handed the piece of cloth to her. Y/N uncovered her eyes and took it before staring at it for a second. "Why do I have to wear this?" She asked.

"Cause I don't think you'll actually close your eyes properly." Tom said with a laugh, Y/N gave him a "-_-" look before covering her eyes "properly". "Okay, done. Trust me now?"She smiled, "Yup. Now, Sam will bring you into the kitchen." Tom said. 

"Sam, I beg you NOT to drag me again." Y/N said with a bored face. Sam laughed at her, "Can't promise that." He replied and brought her to the kitchen.

"Why were we in the living room if we were gonna come to the kitchen anyways?" Y/N questioned as soon as they arrive at the kitchen. 

"It's a secret, now. When I get to 1, I want you two remove the blindfold and look down. Okay?" Tom said as
Y/N silently nodded at him.

Tom began to count a few seconds later. "3,"



Y/N removed the blindfold and looked down, just like what Tom had told her to do.

As she looked down, she was greeted with a pair of cute eyes that belonged to a corgi.

Y/N laughs and cries in joy as she picked up the puppy and cradled it. "Aww," she said, eyes full of tears of joy. "Thank you so much!"

Her brothers chuckled at the sight, "You're welcome. We decided to get you a corgi since it's short like you." Harry smirked, soon earning a smack on the head from Y/N.

I'm sorry this is terrible.

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