Baby Burrito

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Tw: none

You're like a few months old here, yea a newborn-ish.

Sorry I think I have a baby fever :)

Tom's eyes beamed with happiness as he held his youngest sibling, Y/N. A newborn baby.

"She's so cute..." He said, mouth open wide. His mom chuckled. "I know right, she reminds me of you four when you were babies." She replied with a dreamy smile.

"Do you mean cute?" Harry asked, Nikki nodded. "Yes. Cute and small. Do you boys wanna hold her?" She asked them.

Harry and Paddy shook their head, but Sam nodded eagerly. Nikki and Tom laughed at hid eagerness and slowly and carefully gave her to him. "Careful, she's as fragile as glass."

Sam kissed Y/N's small forehead, "Please stay as a baby forever."


A few weeks later, the boys were told by their parents to watch over Y/N while they go out and buy groceries.

They got bored after watching her cry, eat and sleep all day and decided to wrap her in a blanket.

"Be careful, guys, she's just a baby." Tom said, his brothers nodded at him and gently placed Y/N down on top of the towel.

Harry looked at Tom, "Tom, can you wrap her for us please?" Tom nodded at his request and began to slowly wrap her in the blanket.

After wrapping her, he placed her down on her crib and took a picture.

"Aww, look! She's a baby burrito." Sam  said in awe. "Wait." Tom  paused and quickly ran outside, soon coming back inside with a leaf and placing it on top of Y/N's head and took another picture.

"We gotta show this to her when she's all grown up." Paddy said as they all nodded while taking more pictures and selfies.

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