Part 4-

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I woke up. Another bad dream. Tired of the dreams, I put on my clothes and left the cheap motel that I had stayed in 5 years ago, on my wedding night. Since the assassination, I hadn't had chance to even talk to sarah. And the disappearance of Joe certainly didn't help. I needed to get him back. I wasnt going to let my work with the IOP interfere with his life. They took him for a reason. To get me to do one last job for them. "The big one" as my boss called it. "if the president of the united states is not dead in three days, you will never see your son again. i know you can do it jason."

No. I couldn't do it. My son was my priority and i had to rescue him and then get away, go to a better place where we could live our lives in peace.I decided to call Mike. Mike worked for the IOP like me, but had much more power and ranking over me. We had been friends for years. He would know where my boy was being kept.



"Mike, its Jason."

"hi J, whats up?"

" they have my son thats whats up"

"look Jason we shouldnt be talking about this on open lines."

"where is he Mike? please hes my son"

" you know if the general even found out we were talking-"

"cmon Mike. Imagine if it was your son. what would you do?"

"ok Jason. i get what your trying to do. ive seen it in the movies. the whole persuasion thing.Look, all i have is that he is being held in a safe house in new jersey. Il forward you the adress"

" thanks Mike. i appreciate it"

" if the boss finds out-"

" he wont. bye, and thanks"


I parked outside the house. It was fairly large.The curtains were closed so i couldnt see inside and there wasn't another car parked outside. I opened the glovebox and took hold of my firearm. A standard issue .45 with a custom alloy and grip. I loaded the clip and screwed on the suppressor. Then, i got out of the car. Crouched, i crept towards the front door. It was open. suspiciously open. There was a room on the right. The door too was open and I became even more cautious at once. After waiting outside the room and listening for anyone inside , I quickly jumped through, so that the door slammed on its hinges against the wall. I was astonished that it was empty.

Then, i saw her. "no! please!" i cried, falling to my knees and dropping the gun. The body was a lifeless grey color and had two bullet holes in the head. It was Sarah. my wife. And a note:

"you think we can't hear you Jason. Last chance get the job done or your boy is next . Oh and by the way. Mike died slowly. yours faithfully, the general."


oh no! aha guys hoped you liked it remember id love people to comment on the story and how it could be improved.i enjoy reading your comments and opinions The next chapter is good so i will put it on when i get hmmmm 58 votes :) xxxxxxx

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