Chapter 7: Reunited

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What a raging headache…


I jerked awake at the sound of the snarl of my father's voice. I was immediately met with the worst headache in my life. I groaned in pain that was so severe that I could literally hear ringing in my ears from it.

"Thank Paya…"

I grimaced as my vision tried to focus on the dark mass before me. "Dad?" 

He made no effort to move to me and as soon as my vision cleared, I understood why. He was on his knees, chained to the wall with his arms stretched out beside him. My heart leapt to my throat because he looked... terrible! His body was a canvas of cuts, many of them were not done with blades judging by how his flesh was shredded. His armor had been stripped from him leaving him down to nothing but a loin cloth. 

"Oh Paya! Dad! You are alive!" For whatever reason, I hadn't been chained down. Perhaps I wasn't seen as a threat like he was? Whatever the reason, I was glad because even though I was down to my cloth top and skirt, I could go to him. And I did. 

My arms wrapped around his neck and it was the most wonderful thing in the world to do. All my complaints about him being too soft on me before went right out the window. This was my father. My Daddy. No matter how old I got, he'd be the same male who let me swing off his arms or paint his claws when my mother left her human nail polish out. 

I lifted shaky hands went to his battered face and my heart broke. I had never seen him so broken before. He could barely lift his head on his own and one of his mandibles was broken, where it was turned in an unnatural position. One of his eyes was swollen shut from the jagged cut over it...My powerful father had been reduced to his knees and I felt my anger flare at the dishonor they showed him.

"What are you doing here? Did they violate you?" The rage in that last question had him rattling against his chains when just a second ago he looked weaker than I had ever seen him. It gave me hope.

"I don't think so." I ran my fingers on the back of my head and winced from the pain. That massive male struck me there. I scowled and then told my father of the journey up until this point, including the shock of seeing that massive male phase of his own flesh. He had seemed distraught that Baaul was more than likely dead.

While explaining everything, I had a chance to see where we were being held. It was a large dark stone room with no windows and only a barred metal door as an exit. The only source of light was a fire lit torch mounted on the wall. A far cry from the technological advancements on Yautja Prime.

"Yes. It was an unnatural surprise for me as well. It's the only reason he's bested me." 

"What is he? His color is like he…?" I trailed off because I couldn't bear to think of the possibility that the massive male who obviously lusted over me might be related to me.

"Though he is of my sire's clan, he is not of our flesh. That's for sure. He's made it abundantly clear that he is not of my blood. Other than that...I have no answers for what he is or how he came to have his abilities. From what I have gathered during my stay here, he killed my sire and has taken his place as clan leader. He seems intrigued by the fact I am sired from the old leader and the only reason I live is because I'm the only male who can give him a challenge." My father flexed his hands, extending his claws out as if he were trying to keep the joints from getting stiff. 

"He keeps you alive merely to battle with him?" I scoffed in disgust.

My father nodded slowly. He was clearly in a great deal of pain but he would not comment on it and I would not dishonor him by asking him to. "I'm shot every other day with a sedative and force fed from a late model healing pod they managed to scavenge. Once I recover, he lets me take my chance at winning against him. If I do, he will supposedly allow me to leave, if I lose, I'm sent back here. Pauker won't give me the grace of dying...and now that you're here…I can't afford to."

"So he is your sire?" The voice came from directly behind me just passed the cell doors. The massive male phased into view and I jumped back to put myself in between my snarling father and him.

The male cocked his head with his arms crossed. "You should thank me, Enforcer. I could have placed her with the others, but she said you were her sire so her heat will have no effect on you."

I hissed at his casual attitude. "Well, aren't you fucking kind?"

The males mandibles clicked together in thought as those fiery eyes studied me. "Your ooman. I didn't know hybrids like you were possible."

They weren't supposed to be, but I wasn't going to tell him that. I didn't owe him any sort of explanation. 

"Get your filthy eyes OFF MY DAUGHTER!" My father snarled and the chains holding him groaned from his surge in strength. 

"Oh? It seems I finally found a spark for you, half breed. So here's the deal." The male brushed his long dreads over his shoulder. "Tomorrow you will fight me again. If you win, both you and your offspring may leave. Should you lose, I get one day with her."

My father and I both viciously expressed our opposition to that but the male simply turned his back on us. "Not up for debate, half breed. Rest well."

Then he was suddenly gone. 

"I will kill him before I let him have you! I WILL RIP HIS SPINE OUT AND MOUNT HIS PAUKING HEAD TO MY WALL!" My father roared behind me. His rage was palpable enough to steal the air from my lungs...but...

For the first time in my life...I doubted my father would be the victor and it was the worst feeling in the world.

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