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jaemin heard his heart breaking, seeing his boyfriend kissing someone and worst it was one of his bestfriends

his mind was not working and this environment was not working either so he decided to leave

he was on his way to leave suddenly he bumped into someone

"I-I am sorry" jaemin said

"it's fine oh hey jaemin"

it was none other than yangyang

"ah hi"

"you don't seem so good want to talk about it" he genuinely asked

"it's okay I am fine" jaemin lied

"ah I know you are lying should I call renjun then"

"NO....no need to call him I am fine just feeling a little sick that's it I am going to get some fresh air"

"ah okay get well soon tho"

jaemin nodded and just went outside to have some fresh air, he went outside and just sat on the bench nearby

he rested his head on his knees and let out inaudible sniffles, he felt broken and numb, he did not want to face anyone and just cry

it is all my fault jaemin thought, he was telling himself that everything was his fault

while with jeno and renjun the moment renjun kissed jeno thinking it to be jaemin

jeno pushed him away and said

"y-you aren't my nana, my nana's lips taste like s-straw-strawberry" renjun slured

"renjun are you fucking crazy I told you so many times I am not jaemin, why did you kiss me" jeno snapped

tears formed in renjun's eyes he then said

"I-I cheated on nana, what t-the hell is wrong with m-me h-how did I-I cheat on an angel.....I am such a bad human" renjun said while tears started falling from his eyes

"shall I talk about it with jaemin, you don't seem good sober up a little okay" jeno asked concerned

he could not lie to jaemin and renjun wanted to tell jaemin about it

"pl-please do I will talk to him after a f-few minutes, I-I should sober my-myself a little who knows I w-will start kissing some r-random person again like a whore" renjun said and bitterly laughed

jeno sighed and guilt and went to find jaemin, he looked for him but did not see him inside so he thought he might be out

and he was correct jaemin was sitting on the bench outside

he went towards him and said


jaemin immediately knew who that person was, he wiped his tears

"ah hey jeno" he tried to sound normal but he failed, he sounded broken

"you saw right" jeno asked and jaemin nodded

jaemin forced a fake smile and said

"I am happy for you guys"

"no you are thinking everything wrong let me ex-"

"I guess there is no need for explanation I saw you two kissing it's fine I am heartbroken but I hope you two are happy" jaemin gave a broken smile

"no you are really getting it all wrong just le-"

"I don't want explanations now maybe afterwards or don't even give me one I just need some time alone"

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