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T.W. mentions of self harm

jisung cried in his room, he was currently alone in the home so there was no problem for him

he was even thinking why he was crying

'jisung-ah it's me' a voice said

the boy panicked badly, it was the voice the voice was back again he just got better and stopped hearing that voice but

it came again

'jisung-ah why are you even crying it's for the weak, men don't cry'

he continued crying

'tsk you are not a man because you cry, go to the cupboard and take your best friend the razor'

the boy did not want to go, he did not want to but the voice told him the voice was always right

'jisung-ah do it for chenle'

he weakly stood up and went towards the bathroom and took the razor

'now be a good boy and draw lines on your wrists with that razor'

he hesitated at first, he did not cut himself for a year it was a really good accomplishment but should he ruin it

'jisung do this for chenle he would love it'

sobbing he put the razor on his wrist, that feeling felt good for the younger

blood was starting to ooze out from his wrist and it started flowing

'now do more'

and he did, he started cutting himself he felt calm doing this

he continued doing it and at a point his entire forearm was filled with cuts and blood, he felt pathetic

he listened to the voice and broke his clean record just for a crush

he felt stupid

unfortunately he did extremely deep cuts which made him feel really weak now and his vision was going a little blurry

he was about to faint and eventually he did

the last thing he heard was someone screaming his name but unfortunately he passed out and everything was black for him

time skip

jisung was sleeping at the hospital bed while chenle was with him crying silently while holding the younger's hand

his love almost killed himself, he felt guilty what even happened which made him do this

after two hours chenle felt someone tightening the grip on his palm

he looked up and saw jisung slowly opening his eyes

"ah ji you are awake let me go bring the doctor" chenle said and the younger weakly nodded

chenle left for a second to call the doctor and jisung just stared at the ceiling of the hospital

did he really end up in the hospital, did he disappointed everyone because of this

he did not even notice small tears were falling from his eyes, after a few minutes the doctor arrived and did some check ups

"his arm had a lot of cuts and they were really deep so that is why he lost a lot of blood and passed out, it was a really good decision you brought him to the hospital as early as possible or the consequences would have been really bad, I have put bandages on his fore arm but change it from time to time" the doctor said

"oh and I advise you to go see a therapist it would help" she said to jisung

the boy weakly nodded

"let him rest for the night here, he will be discharged tomorrow"

"thank you so much dr bae" chenle said and bowed

she smiled brightly and left because she knew they wanted to talk alone

chenle looked at jisung and went towards him

"I-I am so sorry" the younger whimpered while tears were starting to fall from his eyes again

chenle immediately hugged the younger and just said nothing but sweet words to him, jisung was being vulnerable and he knows what to do to calm the younger

"don't be sorry hmm what even happened that made you do this"

"t-the v-voice it was telling me to do it, the voice always tells me to do this and me being stupid always does this I want the voice to stop but it still comes" he said and more tears started falling

"shh shh it's fine I am glad you are okay now just sleep for now tomorrow we will talk about it nicely if you want to always just sleep now"

jisung nodded and laid on the bed to sleep

chenle smiled sadly and just sat beside the younger and whispered

"i love you ji goodnight"

but the younger was already asleep to hear that


hope you had a good time reading

this book will be on hold till 31st July because exams are starting and I have to study now sorry for that :(

not proof headed

have a good day/night

love you all❤️❤️❤️

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