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chenle had gone mad because jisung had skipped his classes

he did not even know where the younger was he was going ballistic

it was his own fault thinking about the worst case scenarios about jisung even though he should not but he was extremely worried

but he could not leave his class to look for jisung, he was forced to stay in classes because his teachers were apparently really strict

after thirty minutes which felt like 3 days for chenle, the moment the bell rang he ran out of his classes and was about to search jisung but

he had to bump into someone halfway

"ah sorry"

"chenle-yah it's fine why are you in a rush tho" it was none other than their full sun haechan

"jisung has skipped his last classes and is not in university I am going to find him"

"ah okay do you want me to help you find him"

"nah it's fine hyung it would be bothersome so don't worry byee"

chenle did not even let the older reply and ran to find jisung

he came out of the university and headed up straight to the nearby park, it was jisung's favourite park, he normally goes there

he arrived at the park and so no one especially that tall chicken, after searching for him for about five minutes

chenle saw jisung covering his face with his black hoodie, wearing his headphones while singing 'love yourself' by justin bieber

the older sighed in relief and decided to call him, he patted on the younger's shoulder and he looked up

"oh chenle hi.."

"don't you dare 'hi' me okay why did you bunk your classes you know they are freaking important"

"aish it's just one class, I would not bunk again don't worry"

"ugh fine you worried me so much, let's go eat now"

"I don't want to eat now, you can go eat"

"then let's go to the arcade how does that sound"

"I don't want to go... you can go out with the hyungs or your friends I don't want to go"

"yah you are ignoring me right" chenle asked with sadness in his voice

"I am sorry I just need some time alone my mind is just messed up" jisung honestly answered

"i am here for you, you know that right, want to talk about it"

"sorry.... I don't want to talk about it, I should go bye chenle, dad texted me"

jisung had lied his dad texted him, he just did not want to face the older for now

"hmm bye" chenle said

jisung waved at him a goodbye and left

chenle sighed and thought

'why is my heart hurting so much for this'


hope you had a good time reading

lol idk where this story is going-, not proof headed
and double update!!!!

have a good day/night

love you all❤️❤️❤️❤️

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