Rescue Mission!

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Please read author's note in the end, do let me know what do you think.



"We found her..... "

Sebastian's voice came from behind.

"What?" I asked, turning around.

"We found her, May is in the old mansion near woods. We got her location." Daniel completes his sentence.

"How did you find that?"

"We can talk about it later, now we have to save Mayra." That's the most important thing right now.

"Fuck they took her to our old mansion." Dylan said.

"Do you know that place?" he nods.

"We used to live there, before mom and dad... It's the same place where they died." He whispered the last part.

That fucker taken her to the same place where he killed her parents. I can't imagine how Mayra might be feeling, going back to the same place where she encountered her most horrible memory.

"Let's finish at the same place where this all started." Dylan was in rage, his eyes were red with anger. His emotions were at their peak.

We all run towards our cars. Kyle, Rose, and I were in one. While dad and Dylan in other. Daniel and Sebastian, we're arguing to join us, but we managed to stop them. They are too young for this and I don't want them to get hurt.

We were on our way there and I was already getting impatient as time passed. I just want to reach there and let those bastards know who they have messed up with.

"Did the cops get informed? And how many men do we have from our side?" I asked Kyle.

"Yes. We have 20 men who are following us." Kyle replied.

"Here we are," Ben said as the car stopped a little away from an abandoned mansion.

We stepped out of the car and the cops were already there.

"Be aware of any danger and be safe," the Sheriff said.

We all started moving toward the mansion, the cops and our men surrounded it while I, Kyle, Dylan, Rose, and the Sheriff along with 2 more officers decided to go inside.

Cops have taken 4 of their men out for back up. We slowly follow Dylan as he knows the way better.

We managed to get inside without anyone noticing us and started to split, so we could find her as soon as possible. Dylan and I went up to the first floor, where we met with 2 guards standing in front of a room, securing it. By their look, they had already known about our arrival.

Dylan hides behind the wall, while I was in front of them, as soon they saw me they pulled their guns towards me and in no time they started firing.

I hurriedly ducked my head and rolled on the ground hiding on the opposite side from Dylan. It was a trap we decided to pull, to divert guards' attention. They started to run after me and Dylan took this chance to run inside the room where they had captured Mayra.

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