Well hello again luvoly readers i am currently writting a story about vampires so pls go check it out. also pl tell me what your least favorite subject at school is it would be really helpfull. anywho in health we have to creat a poster on alcohol for our assesment and its nowhere near finished and has to be handed in tommorro. i also have a new H.A.S.S techer because our origanal one got a new job,oh hass stands for humanities and social sciences for those of you who don't know. but our new hass teacher is absolutly fantastic. Fun Fact Edmund Barton was the first priminester of Austrailia, just thought i should let people know and if you don't belive me then search it up. for one of my subjects in school we now have a new hass teacher(humanity's and social sciencen's) who is absolutly amazing. also i just finihed reading an awsawme story in my opinion on wattpad called the subway i would recomend you go check it out it had me glued to my device. also i hope everyone is doing better then me because i am currently sick and my nose is doing my head in while i feel like i've just had a massive hang over (no i do not drink i am under the legal age limit) oh and i cant walk without almost falling over. any way onto more happy topics, i am playing little miss muffet in a little red riding hood school preformance and our school might be doing 2 so i might get to lay another charecter aswell. please let me know how you are doing and i hope you are well, but untile next time im going to hybernate this curse away/read wattpad books.
from ur luvly sick freind gwen
6-4-2021 2:38
diary of a teen
De Todothis is not a narritive! this is a diary that i have written to try n expess the way i feel n get stuff of my shoulders. i don't care what u comment, just feel free to express u'r emotoins in any way in the comments.