Untitled Part 2

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last week of school was horendious! 

i swear our techers don't care about our mentle well being espesally the 2 karen techers. my english techer hates me because in 2nd term apparently insulted him, atleast i don't need to deal wth em till school goes back. my hass (humanitys n social science's) techer made me sit wth a group of boy that ar pervs that ar rude to me apart from 1 (their kinda cute but i don't like em any more then a freind.) i ended my freindship wth 2 of my freinds cause they were thretening me n makeing me have worse anxiety and depression. but i have better freinds then they were, so i wont be lonly when school goes back. failing math so i may be kicked out of the academic path way.

first xmas without my stepdad everyones still recovering so was a sad xmas. 

mom keeps makeing me feel bad about myself, n my gran constantly critising me and wont leave me alone when i can just look after my self.

so thanks for reading i geuss, i post this i can talk to people i gues it kind of helps i can't talk to people face to face with my problems i usally end up haveing an anxiety attack

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