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After that happened Ginny broke down. "Oh my merlin! I cant believe I actually did that.", she said. Harry sat down next to her. It's alright, Gin.", he said running her back.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Yeah. It was justified too.", she said. She then continued crying. Everyone was watching her weirdly and Hermione remembered a conversation they had earlier that month.

"Herms!", shouted Ginny coming out of the Floo. Ron was at work with Harry and Rose was at the Burrow. Hermione popped her head out of the kitchen into the living area. "Yes? Is everything alright?", asked Hermione.

"Hermione! Hermione, I'm pregnant! Like pregnant for the fourth time!", said a frantic Ginny. Hermione just stood there and dropped the towel in her hand. "Oh.", she whispered. Ginny nodded and sat on the couch.

"Harry was so happy. He was content. We already have three kids and James is a handful on his own. What in world would we do with four?", she cried.

Hermione tried her best to comfort her. "It's gonna be alright. Abortions are legal. If that's what it comes down to than you'll just have to do that.", she said. Ginny nodded and cried for a while.

Hermione regain focus. "Oh, Ginny...", Hermione said running to her side. "I know its stressful but that was my annoying family. This is my hotel. We can have fun now that they're gone."

Ginny nodded and stood up. "Come on, Lils. Let's go get our swimsuits on.", she said and left with her daughter. Harry stared and looked at everyone else. "What just happened?", he asked bewildered. Hermione sighed and grabbed her cousins hand.

"Your stupid Potter luck!", Hermione said and walked off with Jackie. Ron sat down next to Harry, the Malfoy's went back to their room. "Well...", he said. Harry rolled is eyes at him. "We should probably tell the other Granger's. At least they aren't gits.", Ron added.

Ron and Harry informed the Granger's about the recent happenings and they all lived happily ever after!

A Granger Family ReunionWhere stories live. Discover now