A team?

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The next morning

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking at my door.' By the sake of my father's (probably) dead body;can't they just let me sleep?'
Another knock at the door. Guess I gotta have to get up huh? I peel myself out of the sheets and make my way towards the unpleasent guest waiting at my door.
I open the door to see Izumo again.
" Are you my babysitter now?" I ask with a slidly annoyed tone.
"No, but since you're not familiar with our world, I was told to guide you through our village so you don't get lost." Izumo answeres me. "Tch, whatever. Can we go now? Or are we just gonna stand here in the doorway and have a little chitchat?" "Come with me boy. And keep quite, I'm not in the mood to talk to annoying little brats like you." he says and turns around, ready to go. As he starts walking I quickly say"Wait" and put on my shoes. When I'm done I stand up and walk up to him.
Together we walk towards the Hokage-Tower in silence. As we stand infront of the door that leads to the Hokage's office, he knocks and waits for the Hokage to answer.
" Come in" the old man says and we enter. " Ah, Izumo, Indra there you are. We were talking about you just a few seconds ago. Have you slept well, Indra?"
" Uhm...yes...thank you, Hokage-sama." The Hokage smiles at me " Indra, no need for the formalities. Just call me Hiruzen. Now, I was thinking that, according to the circumstances, it would be best if you had a team. What do you think about that?" " Uhm...w-what kind of team si-I mean Hiruzen?" "Oh right. Well you see, in our society, we train our kids to be ninjas and to achieve that goal, we put them into teams and train them, alright?" "Uh huh. " "Good. Well I think it would be best if we put you into a strong team. Mhm...yes I think that will do. So, Indra Otsutsuki!" "Yes?" "From this day on, until we find a way to bring you Back home, you'll be a genin of Konoha's team 7 together with your new teammates Haruno Sakura, Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki." the old man proclaims with a smile. I nod, not sure what to do. Well I guess it's kinda like our training. "Oh, before I forget it, you might have already realized that Izumo was again the one to guide you. That will be permanent till you're familiar with our village. " I look at said one and our eyes meet for a split second and we both nod in agreement." Good. Izumo, please bring Indra to Iruka and his class." "Yes, Hokage-sama."

Timeskip no jutsu

I'm currently waiting infront of a wooden door. Izumo entered a few minutes ago after telling me to wait till I'm asked to come in. I do have to admit that their furntiture here is pretty nice. Except for the colours. But I genually don't like beige colours. They also all seem to be pretty nice. Not like in my village, where everyone would be jealous of the other and pick at him for the littlest shit.
The door opened and Izumo came out of the room again. "You can go in now. And please behave yourself." I roll my eyes but nod. 'Gods, if he's gonna act like my father, he can leave immedietly.' Shoving my annoyed mood away, I knock at the door and wait for someone to answer.
"Come on in." I open the door and enter the room.

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