Truth Or Dare (and Glitter Explosions)

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Hey guys! I'm here with another chapter. I'm extremely sorry for the long wait (for a month, so sorry!), but I had to rewrite half this chapter cause I wasn't happy with it and the flow of it. But I hope you guys like it! Enjoy.

Also, slight hints at shipping here. Try to find all the ships. But none of the ships are Triplets/Webby. Minor swearing in here, nothing too major.

PS: I used a reference for rules of Truth and Dare and for some questions. Some spoilers for the Finale may be in here.

PPS: Find the Ben Schwartz reference in here! ;) 


The kids comfortably settled inside the blanket fort. An awkward silence settled over them.

"So," Boyd piped up, "what do we do in a sleepover? I've only done one sleepover with Doofus, but then we burned down the kitchen while making ketchup cupcakes, then Mom stopped us and told us to go to bed."

Everyone looked a little uncomfortable at the mention of ketchup cupcakes.

"Anyways," Louie cut in, "I have an idea. We can play truth or dare. What say you guys?"

"Oh yeah! I love that game!" yelled Webby.

"How do you play that?" questioned Boyd again. Honestly, this boy-bot needed to learn so much.

Huey began explaining the rules. "It's very simple. According to the JWG, Truth or Dare-"

He was interrupted by Dewey. "Hold up, the Junior Nerdchuck Dorkbook has instructions on how to play truth or dare?!"

Huey proudly puffed out his chest. "The answers to everything. Now, as I was saying, Truth or Dare is a fun party game that has its origins all the way back to ancient Greece. It truly is the classic game for any party or sleepover. To play this game, the players need to sit in a circle."

Everyone followed the instructions. In a clockwise order, the kids were seated like this-

Louie, Webby, Lena, Violet, Huey, Boyd, Gosalyn, and Dewey.

Huey continued reading. "Once the players take a seat, they chose a person who must go first. That person must place an empty bottle on the floor, and spin in. Whoever is on the open end of the bottle must answer a truth or perform a dare that is assigned by the spinner."

"There are 3 main rules all players need to keep in mind while enjoying the game."

"Rule No. 1- No truth or dare must cause physical or emotional harm to any of the players involved."

"Rule No. 2- Any truths answered or any dares performed must remain private among those involved in the game. What happens in the game stays in the game. "

"Rule No. 3- A player must either choose Truth or Dare. Answering a truth or performing a dare is compulsory. If the player refuses to do so, he or she has to perform a penalty task."

"Got that everyone?" Huey looked up from his JWG.

Lena woke up from where she had been dozing against Webby. "Wha- You done yet, Hat?"

"Yes." He answered with a look on his face.

Dewey and Gosalyn were talking in whispers and didn't seem to realize that Huey has finished his mini lecture until Louie looked up from his phone and nudged them.

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