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Techno had briefly been to the SMP before, so, being the human GPS he was, he had no problem finding his way around. Techno found his way to the house of none other than the colorblind man himself, George.


Isn't Dream homeless?

Dreamnotfound confirmed????

George should know where Dream is


R we gonna kill Gogy?


Ask him where Dream is

Whn teh gren boi iz hmles so u hav 2 ask da bf

Techno huffed at the voices, "Shut up, I'm already working on it." Techno stood at the door of the mushroom hobbit house, rather than knock as he did at Wilbur's house, he punched the door. The door was a sturdy spruce door but it never stood a chance as it flew off the hinges, revealing a very scared looking man in clout goggles staring at what used to be his front door.

Unsure what to do, George looked at Technoblade with fear in his eyes partially hidden by his clout goggles. "Uh... Can I help you with something...?" George asked awkwardly. Techno didn't enter the house but he spoke loud enough for George to hear him from outside. "Dream. Where is he?" The pink haired male demanded in a cold monotone voice.

That visibly made George nervous. "Oh, uh Dream? He, uh..." George hastily tried to make something up. Play dumb. "Who's Dream?" Not that dumb. "I don't have time for your games, George. Tell me where he is before I kill you." Techno held his axe threateningly, he hated repeating himself.

Out of options, George sighed. "He's at Eret's castle." George mumbled. Techno turned to leave, no longer needing to be there. George, worried about his friend, pulled out his communicator and sent Dream a message. "Heads up, Tommy's other brother is on his way to the castle and he's looking for you." George sighed and started cleaning up the mess made by the door breaking off the hinges.

Techno walked firmly towards the castle, it was hard to miss so it was pretty easy to get to. On the way there he passed a few confused individuals, none of which he gave so much as a glance as he essentially went to storm the castle. The gates were open and it was almost peaceful, Techno didn't care. He marched into the castle and made his way to the throne room where he found Eret sitting on the throne.

Eret looked at Techno curiously. "Hello, I'm sorry but I don't think we've met before." Eret said kindly as he stood from his throne and walked over to Techno. "My name is Eret, I am the king and this is my castle. Who might you be?" He asked.

Techno snorted angrily, looking at Eret with hostility in his eyes. "Technoblade. I'm looking the the masked sicko who goes by the name of Dream." He stated monotonously. Eret thought about it for a second, then decided to tell him the truth. "Dream was here a minute or so ago, you just missed him. I'm not sure where he was headed but he went down the Prime Path, if you go that way you can probably still catch up to him." Eret smiled as he spoke, he wasn't trying to get on this guy's bad side.

Not giving thanks as he left, Techno stormed down the Prime Path, axe at the ready. Further ahead he could see a lime green hoodie bobbing up and down as the figure known as Dream ran down the path. Dream may have had a head start, but Techno had enderpearls. Techno caught up to Dream easily and kicked the masked man's legs out from under him, making him fall face first onto the path.


Haha, look at his face

He never stood a chance


How are we gonna make him talk



Kill him


Techno planted his foot squarely on Dream's back to keep the masked man down. "Where. Is. Tommy.?" He demanded darkly, anger leaking through his monotone voice. Dream struggled, trying to get up, then chuckled dryly, "How could I know where he is? No one has seen or heard from Tommy in a month." He mused unconvincingly. Techno pressed his foot harder against Dream's back and held his netherite axe in front of Dream's face. "Cut the shit before I cut your throat. Tell me where my brother is."

Dream hesitated, staring at the glowing axe in front of him. "... What makes you think I did it?" Dream asked, trying to keep up the innocent act. "It doesn't matter how I know you did it. I just do. Tell me where he is." Techno pressed the axe against Dream's mask, the sheer pressure already cracking the clay mask. "... He's in a room underground. It's not that far away. I can guide you." Dream bargained, hoping Techno would believe him and let him go.




Dream can't be trusted

Think of what he might have done to Tommy

Lol, green man go stomp


Kill him


He might find backup or escape

Techno was trying to decide what to do with the green man when none other than Wilbur and Phil ran up. Phil looked to be trying to calm Wilbur while the taller man ran towards Techno, his eyes trained on Dream. "You son of a..." Wilbur grumbled, glaring down at the green man. He suspected Dream had something to do with Tommy's disappearance but he was never able to get close enough to him to ask him any questions.

Techno sighed and looked at Dream again, then dragged the masked man to his feet. "You guide us to Tommy, I might let you live. Go." The pinkette ordered. Dream obliged, heading off in a seemingly random direction with Techno on his heels and the other two close behind.

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