Chapter 2 - Meeting Again Soon

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Caily's alarm went off, quite loudly, and she groaned. She didn't feel like getting up, she wanted to sleep in and not wake up until midnight. That actually doesn't sound half bad.

But reluctantly got up anyway. After changing her pajamas to clothes, she yawned, walking over to pick up her phone. She noticed on her home screen there was a message. She squinted her eyes at it. She found that to be hopeless and decided to wash her face instead.

Turned on the light of the bathroom, after walking in, and stared at her face in the mirror. She leaned forward and placed her hands on the counter of the sink, sighing, Caily blew out a puff of air.

She kept darting her eyes to look at herself and see what a mess she was. Eventually, she leaned up straight and grabbed her toothbrush. She put toothpaste on it, wet it and stuck it in her mouth. As she started brushing her teeth, she noticed out of the corner of her eye another notification on her phone.

Grabbing it with one hand, she angled it so she could see it. After her eyes adjusted to the light of the phone, she read the message.

Her eyes widened. "Crap, crap, crap!" It was a notification for her job interview. Heavily sighing, she quickly washed out her mouth, brushed her hair, and grabbed her purse and ran out her apartment door.

She quickly walked towards stairs and as soon as she got down them, someone bumped into her. She had been staring at the ground the whole time.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Caily said as she put her hands on the person to steady them. Dropping her hands, she looked up.

It was a blond headed guy in 2000s clothing. Edward had short dark brown hair. The guy had a look of concern upon his face.

"No! It's fine!" Then his face changed to one of curiosity. "You're.. Caily, right? The one on the second floor?"

Her brow furrowed. "Uh.. yeah. I'm sorry, I'm late for something." She tried to push past him but he stepped back and in her way.

"Maybe we could hangout sometime?"

"I am seriously late. Please excuse me." She said with a huff. And with that she finally pushed past him.

She pushed through the door and headed on her way to the interview, reciting all the questions they could possibly ask her. She hoped she wasn't too much of a mess.

As she walked, her brain ejected the guy she just met out of her mind and focused on Edward. She had been so stressed with getting ready and not being late she never stopped to think about the man she had coffee with.

Her thoughts went through every detail she got of him. He truly was.. different. Like no one she had ever met before. His long black coat reminded her of a character from comics she read, only the character had a light brown coat. His wavy short hair was appealing to her, the color of chocolate hair pleased her. She didn't know why he was imprinted in her mind. It's not like the others she's dated hadn't.

But they didn't make her think about the smallest details of themselves. Yet Edward's figure and appearance did. Even his personality was charming. Probably unintentional by him.

Almost running into the entrance of a building, Caily shook her head, looked up to read the letters plastered just above the doors then proceeded inside. She took a deep breath as she went in, 'nervous' didn't even begin to describe her feelings.

A couple of hours later..

Caily walked out feeling good. Her nerves were gone, mostly, but she felt good. Closing her eyes and breathing in a few deep breaths, she decided to call a friend as she started walking towards his house.

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