☆ Chapter 24: Kaito or Kakashi? Part 4 ☆

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☆ At le ball ☆

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☆ At le ball ☆

(Just wear any dress you want because I have no good taste when it comes to fashion)

☆ Your POV ☆

"Oh wow! This sure is big!" I said looking around, "How many times are you going to say that?!" Rin asked looking at me. "I'm sorry! You complain too much!" I looked at her, "Anyways... Wheres that Kaito boy at?" She asked while looking around "Well, I don't know? Why ask me?" I shrugged. "hmm" she looked around and her eyes widen, 'I think she found him' I thought as I looked at her expression, "I FOUND HIM HE'S RIGHT THERE!" she pointed at him 'yup, I was right' He looked at our direction and walked up to us. "Hey ladies," I cringed a bit when he said that. "Hi," I said looking at him, he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the crowd. I heard Rin say "HEY! WHERE ARE YOU TAKING HER!?" from afar.

I then heard music playing, I looked at Kaito then he looked at me, "What?" he said, "Why is there music?" I asked, "Shut up and dance with me." (That was just me being goofy, here's what he actually said): "Just dance with me, okay?" he answered, "Uhm, okay?"

You guys danced together until something happened, the lights went off for some reason, I heard a lot of chatter. Then I felt someone grab my hand all of the sudden, and I realized it was someone else's not Kaito's his is a bit more like my hand size. I tried to make them let go but their grip was too strong, so I used my chakra to pull myself away but it was too late, they already had put a mask on my face.

☆ End of your pov ☆

☆ Kakashi's POV ☆

The lights went out when I walked in the room, it was dark I couldn't see anything. Come on, I just came in and this happened. I continued to walk 'till I felt like I bumped into someone, it felt like... "Hey Rin! Is this you?" I asked touching the side of her arm "Yes! Now stop that it feels weird." she said while I let go."Hey, Kakashi, I got a question," I heard her say and answered with a "hm?","Where you the one who turned off the lights?" she questioned,"No, how would I know how?" I answered back,"Yeah your right it's not like you would turn off the lights all of the sudden." Rin said and the lights turned back on, we can all see each other now.

"HEY GUYS!" Obito ran up to me and Rin, "What's up Obito?" Rin asked with her hands on her waist, "Where's (Name)? Wasn't she with you?" he asked Rin looking around, "She went with Kaito." Rin shrugged, "Kaito?! Then why isn't she with him?" Obito answers with a concerned face, "WAIT WHAT SHE ISN'T WITH HIM?!" Rin then ran to Kaito, while me and Obito followed behind.

"HEY KAITO-BOY WHERE'S (Name)!?" She shouted at him, "I-I don't know she was with me a while ag-" he got cut off when we heard sensei walking up to us saying "hello". "Minato sensei! (Name)'s gone!" Rin said looking at Minato sensei, "Well screw it." he looked made at us angerly. "Also sensei were you supposed to guard the gate?" Rin asked, "Yes, but some how some of the bandits came in. I told the soldiers to go in and get them but they reported to me that it was too dark too see." Minato sensei said, "The gaurds from the back of the castle, one of them reported that some of the men were injured by the bandits that came." Minato sensei continued. "They came from behind didn't they?" I ask, "Hm, correct. Remember how this "mission" wasn't a mission at first? But further information Kaito is quite a famous prince, they're main objective was to kidnap Kaito, because of that scroll but got someone instead, and that someone would have been with Kait-" Minato was about to finish but Rin cut him off, again. "(Name)! They took (Name)!" Rin looked worried and Obito tried to clam her down. "Those son of a bitches hit some nerves." Minato said looking a bit mad.

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