Chapter 14

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Sure enough they were home and saying hello to Sirius and Remus.

"Hey pup, prongslet." Sirius said.

"Hi Sirius." Harry said.

"Hello cub, cubbling." Remus said.

"Hi Remus." Neville said.

While they spend the vacation their parents and uncles would help them with homework if they needed it. They play games and wrapping presents.

Sure enough it was Christmas.

When Harry and Neville were done opening their presents they got they gave the adults presents.

When James opened his parents he was confused.

"Your Animagus is a stag and didn't want your antlers to freeze on winter full moons. And since there's three pieces on them we got you a pair for each part." Harry explained.

The other two marauders were laughing like crazy on the ground.

Even Lily was laughing.

"Why didn't we think of us doing that at school?" Sirius tried to say.

"I don't know! But it would have been easy since there were four of us at school!" Remus tried to say.

A few minutes later they started to calm down. And James decided to have Lilly put them on his antlers and take a picture so he could see them.

When he was back to his normal self he looked at the picture and smiled.

"I look pretty good." he said.

Sirius and Remus started laugh a little more.

"Think my dad and Remus will break their ribs when they see Sirius' presents?" Neville asked.

"Maybe." Harry said.

Next was Sirius. When he opened Harry's present James and Remus burst out laughing like last year. Lily started chuckling.

Sirius looked at Harry and Neville.

"You're killing me you two."

They smiled looking innocent.

Then he opened Neville's present. And saw another toy.

Remus and James laughed even harder. Lily laughed almost as hard.

"I'll say it again, you're killing me!"

"Do you want us to get rid of your bone?" Harry asked with an idea of the answer.

"NO! DON'T GET RID OF MY BONE!" he yelled.

"OK, do you want us to get rid of your toy then?" Neville asked and also had an idea of an answer.

"NO! NOT MY TOY!" he yelled.

'This dog part of me is killing me!' he thought.

This time even Lilly was barely on the chair now.

"Oh Merlin, I need a potion like last year!" Remus said.

"Same here!" James said.

After they calmed down and took the potion they sat back down.

Next was Remus. He liked his new book from Harry. When he opened his other one from Harry his mouth started to water a little.

Then they started chuckling again.

"Moony and his chocolate." James said shaking his head and smiling.

Sirius nodded. "Maybe he should marry it."

Next was Lily. When she opened it she looked at the boys.

"It's got pictures of us all." Harry said.

Lily opened the book and smiled.

"Thank you you two. I'll treasure it forever." she said.

Neville Longbottom, the boy who lived year 2Where stories live. Discover now