Chapter 1

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I hope this gets somewhere lollll

Luv you <33

Fun fact about me : I saw 1D in concert 2014 !!

Author POV

scene : Harry's Ballet studio.

"Okay everybody, just a simple pirouette today, we've all been practicing so hard and I think you guys are ready." Harry clasped his hands together and smiled at the nine years old he was teaching.

They all started having ago, some landing perfectly and others falling over but never giving up. Harry had that written in cursive handwriting on his wall - Never give up.

It meant a lot to the boy, it what his mother always told him before she died and he had vowed to never give up his dreams. Of course Harry loved working at the ballet studio but his dream was to be famous and to inspire others to take up the art of ballet, which he now called a "dead sport."

"Ah Zayn! You okay buddy?" Harry rushed over to his, he would never say it, favourite student.

"Yeah Hazza. Just can't get the stupid turn right." Zayn smacked his head with his hand and Harry cooed picking up the little boy and brushing down his top from the dirt on the floor.

"Okay look I'll hold you from behind, okay?" Harry smiled and Zayn nodded as he tried the pirouette again. Not getting it right still but he didn't fall. "So close my little sugar plum." Harry ruffled the boys hair.

"Straight back, remember." Harry winked and Zayn smiled, lifting his head up and trying again. This is why harry loved his job, he loved seeing the kids faces light up when they achieved the move.

"Wow! That was perfect Charlie!" Harry clapped his hands at the boy who was landing perfect pirouettes, he was always the best of the group, but the thing Harry admired most was that he was not boastful about it. Very quiet actually, plus he knew he liked Zayn and was trying to impress him. But just like any other nine year old boy Zayn was complete oblivious.

"Okay guys, keep practicing you are all doing so well! Next week we will talk about the upcoming show she have. You'll all play a part but the pirouette is the most important! Now you can all Niall it so lets keep doing our best and remember to -" Harry paused.

"Never give up!" All the kids sung at the same time making Harry's face light up.

The sessions were an hour long and by the end almost every-bodies was perfect.

"Okay guys, your parents are here to pick you up, remember keep practicing that pirouette and next week we are just going over moves and positions we have already done, so please practice and have good week!" Harry waved off his students until he was alone.

Time for Harry's favourite part of the day.

He went to the back of the studio and brought out his ballerina dress. He always said this is the dress he would wear for his first big show as the lead. He made it himself when he was 19, now at 21 its still fits and he is still in love with it.

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