Chapter 23

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Thanks you for all the love <3

Scene : Ballet studio

"How do you feel love?" Louis asked, rubbing Harry's back.

"Nervous." Harry admitted, he had just told his class that they would be in Louis' music video and they all so excited, but Harry couldn't be more than nervous.

"Your nervous? I'm nervous?! I have to dance next to the most talented dancer in the world!" Louis exaggerated which made Harry laughed. 

"I'm gonna miss you Lou." Harry spoke, this forehead pressed again Louis'. Harry was leaving for America in two days. 

Apparently someone brought his studio, and Louis had complete taken care of it, which Harry was grateful for, he hated this.

"Are you ready to begin?" Louis brought Harry out of his train of thought and Harry just bit his lip and nodded. 

"Okay you go round up the kids and I need to go talk to the director quickly." Louis says.

He runs over to Paul, the director and quickly pulls him aside.

"Hey Louis, what can I do for you?" Paul smiled.

"I want Harry to have a solo at the last chorus, where the music gets all slow." Louis requested and Paul raised his eyebrows.

"Are you sure? Louis this is YOUR must video. Aren't your fans gonna be disappointed when their favourite celebrity is hardly in it." Paul rubbed his forehead.

"If these people are my fans they'll understand how important these people are to me." Louis stated back. 

"Fine, its your video Kid." Paul raised his hands up in defence and went to sit back in the director chair.

Meanwhile Harry was getting his kids ready.

"Are we all excited!?" Harry came over excitedly, doing a little dance. He got chants of screams and "Yesss" back. 

"Charlie, you ready for me buddy?" Harry smiled at the shy but excited boy. 

Charlie nodded his head.

"You'll do great Charlie!" Zayn giggled and quickly took Charlie's hand in his as he swung them together.

"You'll do amazing my little buttercups. Just do the dance we practiced, okay?" All the kids nodded making Harry smiled widely.

"Zayn, come here quick sweetheart." Harry brought Zayn over to the corner and kneeled down to his height.

"I want you to take over the solo, for this. Can you do that?" Harry smiled and Zayn quickly shook his head making Harry frown.

"Why not?" He pouted which made Zayn smile a bit.

"Its scary, what if I mess up." Zayn pouted.

"But what if you don't?" Harry tricked back.

"But what if I do-" 

"Hey, hey. You have been practicing so hard babe. Your mum even told me, you've been prating at home? You are gonna nail this Zaynie." Harry spoke and Zayn looked at Harry and brought him in for a tight hug.

"I'm gonna miss you Mr Harry." Zayn sniffed. 

"You are a really talented kid Zee. You'll get so far." Harry pulled Zayn out the hug and quickly wiped the own tears falling from his eye.

"Okay guys!" Harry spoke to the rest of his class.

"What are we gonna do?" He shouted.

"Never give up!" The kids shouted back.

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