Chapter 9

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This story is almost at 300 reads ahhhh - Thanks you so much to everyone who is reading!!

I luvvvv youuuu <333


They both just stopped as if time stopped, looking at each other not quite sure what to do next, so Louis did the first thing that came to his mind and leant down to capture Harry's lips in his, Harry soon joined the kiss, Louis's hands travelling down from pinning Harry's arms up, trailing his hands down Harry's arms and finally his curls, tugging slightly, causing Harry to whimper in the kiss.

Both boys pulled away breathlessly.

"Harry Styles, my pretty ballerina, will you be my boyfriend?"


Harry looked at Louis shocked, his eyes widening so much at the words that left the singer's mouth. Why wasn't he saying anything? Yes he answer was yes! Of course it was, he just couldn't get the words out. 

"Hazza?" Louis questioned slowly getting off the boy worried he had ruined everything.

However Harry was quick to push Louis back over, him on top this time.

"Harry, what -" Louis started but Harry shut him up but smashing his lips onto Louis's.

"Yes, my answer yes!" Harry mumbled on Louis lips and the both both faces turned into huge grins. Louis jumps up pulling Harry with him and spinning the boy around in the air.

"HARRY STYLES IS MY BOYFRIEND!" He yells, still spinning Harry around who went completely into Ballerina mode and straighten his back as if doing a jump. 

Louis chuckles placing the boy on the ground, hands on his hips and Harry's hands wrapped around Louis's neck.

"Louis Tomlinson is MY boyfriend." Harry smirked, emphasises the my, as Louis literally just screamed Harry's name.

Louis grinned and rested his forehead on Harry's as the nuzzled their noses against each other happier then ever... (hehhehehhehhehehe Billie ;) )


After their date it was around 10 in the evening and Niall had texted Harry that Liam was staying over and both of them not wanted to walk in to them sex on the sofa they decided to head back to Louis's place. 

They pulled up to a very expensive looking apartment.

"God Lou, this where you live?"Harry said in shock.

"One of the places, but I mainly come down here to visit family for a few days so didn't need a huge place, my 'House house' is down in London." Louis explained as they got in the apartment and Harry's mouth was stuck open.

Scene : Louis's apartment 

"This place has stairs Louis! Stairs!? Mine barely has a working bathroom." Harry said shocked, this place must cost a fortune, he thought.

"You can come over whenever you want darling." Louis smiled taking his coat and shoes off.

"I'm going to unpack the car and put everything away, my room is the first door when you go upstairs there a bathroom attached if you wanna go shower and since I'm guessing your staying the night, find some clothes in my wardrobe, I don't mind what you get." Louis smiled and Harry nodded, skipping his way to Louis's bedroom.

When he opened the door a giant black dog came running towards him.

"Woah!" Harry regained his balanced as the dog almost knocked him over.

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