what if...?

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Sorry about not continuing my other stories, I have ✨no✨ inspiration. So, onto my thingy.

David could only stare at the strange group surrounding the obviously disheveled man. Holograms have good graphics now. After all, it is the 39th century, but this was way too much. This was a school dance for goodness sake! What was going on?! The 18 year old senior was still trying to grasp the situation along with a multitude of David's classmates and and schoolmates when the strange group noticed them. Instantly animalistic growls filled the air as the strongest looking cavemen-like people formed a protective circle around the thinnest and apparently weakest members of their group. David couldn't think, but his instincts screamed at him to leave.

Without turning his back to the group, David slowly and steadily backed out of the cafeteria where the party was held. Other students and people took note of what David was doing and tried to follow his lead. Key word tried. One of the students broke the slightly declining hostility to turn around to leave instead of backing up. Wrong move. Before he had taken two steps, there was a sharp rock nobody has noticed in the back of his head and a dreadful thud as his dead body fell to the ground. Screams reverted through the school grounds as all of the students stopped thinking and rushed towards the exits closest to them.

More thuds were heard along with horrible shouting sounds coming from the basic beings attacking the high schoolers. David was trying to catch his breath a little outside of school from running as soon as he was out of sight, other students doing the same when they heard the gut-wrenching screams of the students inside.  David froze, and at that moment the students who were escaping the death drenched cafeteria  came in a flood, so busy in escaping, nobody noticed a 5 year old strange looking child barely avoiding being trampled in the stampede of teenagers. David saw though, a couple students were already calling 9-1-1 and trying to understand what was going on, as David saw the child finally drown in the sea of students, to be trampled. At least until David picked the child up and assessed it's injuries, there weren't many thankfully, but there were still a couple bruises, David figured the clothes somehow managed to take most of the damage as there was very little clothing on the kid. As such, he didn't pay attention to the clothes of the part that wasn't trampled on seemed to be leaves stuck together. Or the sound of the slower students bodies hitting the ground as gutural, panicking shouts advanced slowly towards the entire student bodies group. The police showed up soon, shooting at the strange and murderous individuals. Bullets did nothing.

Bullets were deflecting off of their skin like leaves would when blown into people. David was calming the child down while getting to safety behind the cops, when the kid started screaming and kicking. David was surprised and hurriedly let the child down where it ran towards the group still throwing sharp rocks out of nowhere. To Daniels horror, the 5 year old ran straight towards the group. Just before Daniels was about to shout at the child to not go there, and explain how it's dangerous, the strange group stopped attacking and accepted the tyke with open arms. Well unfortunately the story hasn't ended yet. This is the middle. The child grunted, grabbing the attention if a nearby adult, ignoring the bullets that were being well protected from him and pointed at David. At this point an ambulance had arrived and started handing shock blankets out to the students.

David, as a result wasn't looking when the child pointed at him, not when an adult suspiciously alike to the one brought to attention snuck out of the group and slunk into the shadows. The police were too busy trying to distract the ancient-type people long enough for the students and ambulances to leave and escape. The ambulance workers were to busy trying to calm down the students and stop them from going into shock to notice, the students and faculty still alive were too busy freaking out and trembling over the recent events to notice, and we'll, nobody was around to witness one of the faculties corpses to suddenly be stripped and put on a cave-man. One with a mission.

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