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Shuri gave Peter a small communicator (so small Raven didn't even see it, she assumed it was also vibranium) and showed him to a large testing chamber. While they were off, the machine healing Raven's leg finished. She slid off the table and gingerly tried to stand normally again. It was still tingling a little bit, but the pain was gone. 

As soon as Raven stepped into the scanning chamber and held still, ring scanners assembled and got to work. It documented every surface of her body, and she could only hope she was standing still enough. She wondered what kind of beam she was being bombarded with, but then again, even if she could come up with an answer, she wouldn't understand it. It finished in less than a minute, and the chamber opened up again to let her out. Raven put her boots back on and followed the other Avengers-to-be out the door.

The next room opened up to a control center that observed an even larger testing chamber. It reminded Raven of the simulation chambers SHIELD had at the Academy. "So did SHIELD borrow this idea from you?" she asked Shuri, who was at the control panel.

"Director Fury borrowed many ideas from Wakanda," Shuri explained, not looking up from her work. "We carefully arranged what was appropriate to share and what should be kept out of dangerous hands. I am glad you recognize it, though. You will be much more comfortable than he is."

She pointed into the chamber, where Peter was standing awkwardly in the center of the room. "Remind me again why I'm the test dummy?" he asked through the speaker in the control panel.

Raven smirked and took a seat while Shuri answered. "Don't worry, I will not point any guns at you. I can test the durability later." She pointed at a lever on the other side of the room, which Raven took as a cue to pull it. "There are thousands of sensors embedded into the suit. I want to see how well it reports on your vitals and a few other measurements."

As soon as Raven pulled the lever, the testing chamber sprung to life and started to form shapes. Unlike the SHIELD chamber, though, these shapes were made from moving, black sand which she could only assume had a vibranium component to it. Most of SHIELD's simulations were made from holograms. 

"I am going to set up a fake scenario for you to fight through," Shuri warned Peter, activating a computer program. "Standard American thugs on the rooftops of New York buildings. Do what you do best, and we will see how the suit responds."

Shuri deactivated the mic in the control center, and Raven asked, "Where did you get the visuals for the thugs?"



"How is your leg feeling?"

Raven looked down at her shin. "Good. The tingling is fading. Is it safe to use it so quickly?"

Nodding, the Princess returned her attention to the chamber. "Absolutely. I was hoping you could try this next."

She grinned as she began to watch Peter. Assorted rooftops began to rise under him, taking on the form of the New York aboveground. From a roof access door, men in cloth masks surrounded Peter. No weapons to speak of, but there sure were a lot of them. 

Peter looked around him. "Do I just... go?"

"Yes, go!"

"Got it!" 

He leaped forward, tackling the nearest sand thug. Raven and Shuri sat back and relaxed while Peter contended with his opponents. "You know," Raven mused, "if you get a chance, you should do stormtroopers next. He would get a kick out of it."

Shuri looked tempted. "If they were more competent, I'd agree with you."

"Fair point. Wouldn't want this to be too easy for him."

The show was very entertaining to watch. Peter's super strength made it easy for him to knock out an individual, but there were as many as twenty sand thugs on the rooftops. The thugs were programmed to work together, but Peter was able to pick up on this and started separating them. This tactic ranged from knocking them out one at a time to picking up the nearest thug and throwing him off the roof. One time, he threw a sand thug right at the window separating the testing chamber from the control center, and they weren't sure if it was intentional or an accident.

"I like the idea of solid opponents to practice with," Raven noted, crossing her arms. "When I train on the hologram simulations, they obey the law of gravity, but they don't have any weight to them. This seems much more realistic."

"Wait until you get in there," reminded Shuri, pleased with the compliment. "If it were not all black, it would be exactly like a true fight."

"Can you turn on colors?"

"I can, but I chose not to for the first test."

In the chamber, Peter wiped out the last two sand thugs with one kick, then stood up and relaxed, stretching his arms. "How's that?"

Shuri reached to the control panel, concluding the simulation. "Perfect. Bring the suit back and we can analyze the data it collected."


The data in question was beyond anything Raven or Peter had ever seen. The sensors were able to replicate not only Peter's vital signs during the fight, but they even documented where he took hits and how hard he had attacked the sand thugs. 

"Microscopic force sensors," Shuri explained as the other two watched the data upload. "They are not very dense in this suit, but I wanted something simpler to begin testing. They're embedded in every square centimeter of the suit, and when the data they collect is combined and synchronized, it can directly measure the damage dealt and taken by the wearer."

"This has so much potential," Raven realized, looking at Peter. "If we can implement a suit like this into training, we can use it to learn how to maximize the blows we deliver and minimize the physical trauma suffered at the same time. How difficult would it be to develop an analytical program that can detect patterns in the fight?" she asked Shuri.

She considered it for a moment. "It would take at least a day, so I would need time, but difficult? Not at all."

Her mind was racing. Training with a suit like this once a week could teach Raven perfect form. Training with Natasha had taught her a lot, but a bit of technology could push that training even further. 

Peter was on a different track. "The sensors, they can be tied to an automated system, right?"

"Hypothetically, yes."

"Then it could help with injury awareness," he reasoned, rubbing the side of his head. "Obviously, it's going to take a bit of testing, because the amount of force I can handle is different from... say, a regular human..."

"Well, not all of us are spider-vigilantes or super-strong royalty."

"...but if we can set up some kind of notification system, we'll know when someone needs to pull back. 'Stop the fight before it gets worse' kind of deal."

"And, a 'prevent problems before they happen' kind of deal," Shuri added. While the two of them had been talking, she had gotten to work printing another suit. This time, it was programmed to Raven's dimensions. "I know Peter already has a suit, but something tells me you do not. Data like this can point out where your suit will need the most reinforcement," she explained, holding out another small button for Raven.

She took it and pressed it into her wrist, right next to her watch. Both of them blinked purple, and Raven pressed a finger to the button. Just like earlier, the suit expanded until it covered her whole body, then disappeared from view. 

Looking down at her arms, she noted, "It really does feel like a layer more than a suit. It doesn't have any support built into it."

"Not yet," Shuri corrected, "but this is the first prototype of a design like this. Updates will be made, I assure you."

"Well, if you want updates, we need to give you tests," Raven concluded. "My turn."

Agent Raven of S.H.I.E.L.D. (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now