They Won't Die. Probably.

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The trap door on the roof led down into a closed janitor's closet, fortunately. As I closed the door and climbed down the ladder, I heard a group of people run past the door to the left, and soon the sound of their footsteps disappeared down a set of stairs. Well, I knew which way I was heading. 

I pulled my bow from my quiver and opened the door. No one was down the right side of the hall, so I headed left and opened the door at the end of the hallway. It revealed a spiral staircase, with foot soldiers running down to fight Peter. I pulled out an explosive arrow and aimed ahead of the soldiers. One shot and trigger tap later, and most of the soldiers were trapped. A few fell off the staircase down a few flights, but they weren't getting up anytime soon. 

Not all of them were sure where the explosion had come from yet, so I had a few seconds to secure an advantage. They were starting to pull guns out, though, so it was time to move. I grabbed a second arrow, setting it to blast. I hit the highest person on the stairs, which started a lovely chain reaction heading down. I pulled my pistol out while I still had time. Peter had said not to kill, but these guys wouldn't bleed out from a shot in the arm.

This building was about five stories high, and more soldiers were coming out of the middle levels. If I wanted to save Peter a bit of roughing up, I needed to start working my way down. I kept my bow handy, but started hitting people right in the shoulder. The guns they were using were pretty hefty, similar to the one I used during Field missions. It was too heavy and awkward to fire one handed, so most of them were down for the count. Those who managed to stay on their feet got a complimentary bullet in the thigh. 

A few tried to run, but they could only get so far. My exploding arrow had between the second and third floor, and most were hesitant to try and jump down. As I stepped over bodies, I hit the runners, most of whom toppled down through the gap.

I had to pause to switch out my magazine, and I almost missed the guy who had snuck up behind me. I dodged a fist heading for my head, locking my bow into place on my quiver. I stayed low, continuing to descend down the stairs. When my bow secured, I brought my hand down and pulled my knife out of its sheath. On my opponents next punch, I sliced his knuckled and tripped him. Catching his arm over my shoulder, I flipped him down the middle of the stairwell, sending him forty feet down. 

Someone else ran at me from below, but this time, I had the high ground. Before he reached me, I jumped at his shoulder height, catching his head between my thighs. My momentum sent him flying down the stairs backwards, right into the person behind him. The two of them probably got concussions, but I landed on my feet. Vaulting over a few bodies on the ground, I shot at the two attackers, making sure they wouldn't get up soon. Don't worry, they would live. Probably.

The last few soldiers standing had gotten the message, and were attempting to escape by jumping down to the second floor. I tackled the last guy jumping, and I leapt off of him to stick my own landing. He fell down another flight, but I was fine. I replaced my knife on the back of my belt and started firing again, aiming for their shoulders again. They bolted down the stairs, trying to make it to the ground level and out the back door, but Peter burst in just then, cutting off their exit. I figured he could handle them, so I didn't shoot at the last five or so soldiers and holstered my pistol.

"Woah, woah, easy guys," he said, holding up his hands as they aimed their weapons at him. "Let's use our big boy words, alright?"

I smirked up where Peter couldn't see me. You had to admire his snark, if nothing else. 

The soldiers didn't feel like talking it out, because they began firing. Peter dodged all the bullets, and started knocking the guns out of their hands. He webbed up two of them, and punched the lights out of the other three. He started running up the stairs, probably expecting more of them, but all he saw were the bodies laying on the staircase, and me leaning on the railing, watching him. 

I didn't realize his suit could do this, but the eyes on his suit narrowed. "You were just standing there while I did that? Seriously?"

"I didn't want to spoil your fun," I explained, propping up my chin on my hand. "How was the back door?"

"Guarded. I just got in a minute or two ago. They just kept coming," he complained, looking up the stairs. "I see your job was a piece of cake. You didn't kill any of them, did you?"

I shrugged, following his gaze upwards. "Don't think so. If they apply pressure on the wound, they won't bleed out. I only shot a few of them."

"A few?!?" Someone groaned from above. "More like half of us!"

"I'm going to have burns on my face for a month," complained another, probably one of the soldiers close to the explosion. "What the hell, babe?"

Peter laughed, climbing on top of the railing. "She is 'the hell', man." He jumped in the middle of the stairwell and shot a web up to the ceiling, beckoning for me. "Shall we, your devilish majesty?"

I hopped the railing and hung on to him, and he pulled us up to the top floor before dropping me off. 

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