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1. What was the name of Duskstar's deceased sibling?

a. Kestrelkit

b. Poppykit

c. Finchkit 

d. Robinkit

2. Why did Duskstar name Gryffindor like that?

a. Because she reads Harry Potter

b. Because he liked to slam the door on cats 

c. Because he had a strange obsession with the twoleg thing called doors but always thought it was spelled with one "o"

d. Because Duskstar thought it sounded cool

3. What was Duskstar's warrior name?

a. Duskfur

b. Duskpelt

c. Duskfall 

d. Duskstar

4. What excuse did Tallear give Duskstar when he went to see Wolftalon?

a. He saw a Twoleg

b. He scented a dog and went to check it out 

c. He needed to make dirt

d. He wanted to see the river

5. What was Duskstar's third life?

a. Inspiration

b. Loyalty

c. Problem solving 

d. Justice

6. What's the first Clan listed in the Allegiances?

a. ThunderClan 

b. ShadowClan

c. RiverClan

d. WindClan

7. How did Duskstar meet Stormstripe?

a. She was patrolling the river and saw him

b. They both wanted to go to Sunningrocks

c. She was mistakenly led onto his territory 

d. Tigerpaw caught him trespassing

8. In what chapter did Hufflepaw and her siblings have their warrior assessment?

a. Chapter five

b. Chapter six

c. Chapter seven 

d. Chapter eight

9. Who was the apprentice of Darkslip?

a. Tigerpaw 

b. Lilypaw

c. Boxpaw

d. Slytherpaw

10. Who gave Wolfkit his "warrior" name?

a. His adopted father

b. Duskstar

c. Himself

d. The Rogues 

11. Who were the kits in the Nursery during the battle with the Rogues?

a. Dovekit & Patchkit 

b. Hufflekit, Gryffinkit, Ravenkit & Slytherkit

c. Tigerkit & Lilykit

d. None

12. Who gave Duskstar her sixth life?

a. Cornstarch

b. Smokestar

c. Mosswing 

d. Willowbreeze

13. Who is the leader of ShadowClan?

a. Pikestar 

b. Ivystar

c. Goldenstar

d. Duskstar

14. Who did Duskstar mistake her dead sister for?

a. Their mother

b. Mistpelt 

c. Herself

d. Their grandmother

15. How did Duskstar lose her 9th life?

a. Battle wounds 

b. Murdered by Tallear

c. A rogue

d. Drowning


1.  C - Finchkit

2.  B - Because he liked to slam the door on cats

3.  C - Duskfall

4.  B - He scented a dog and went to check it out

5.  C - Problem solving

6.  A - ThunderClan

7.  C - She was mistakenly led onto his territory

8.  C - Chapter 7

9.  A - Tigerpaw

10.  D - The Rogues

11.  A - Dovekit & Patchkit

12.  C - Mosswing

13.  A - Pikestar

14.  B - Mistpelt

15.  A - Battle wounds

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