Problem solving

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Duskfall closed her eyes, wishing Talonspring could be there with her. She felt cold and alone in StarClan territory, though she was supposed to feel the exact opposite. A silver-and-white tom with bright green eyes emerged from the darkness.

"Hello, Duskfall. You don't know me, I was alive long before you were born. My name is Specklefur." he said in a soft, velvety voice. He stepped forward, his breath making little clouds in the air. "I give you this life for problem solving. Think rationally before you do. Triple think everything you do and make sure you are doing what's right for you and for your Clan."

He touched his nose to Duskfall's and she immediately felt the raw sensation of problems and forgetting things, only to be replaced with a powerful pump of knowledge.

Her legs felt weak and wobbly but she nodded to Specklefur as he padded back into the shadows.


When Duskstar opened her eyes, the sky was spinning above her. She sat up and looked around. She was surprised to find that she was not on the Thunderpath anymore.

She was lying on the grass beside the Thunderpath, Talonspring sitting beside her. "You're awake!" he exclaimed, "I was getting worried." 

Duskstar frowned. "What happened? How did you find me?" 

Talonspring stared at her. "You don't remember?" he asked. 

Duskstar shook her head.

"When your patrol returned without you I got worried, so I came looking for you. I found you lying in the middle of the Thunderpath, so I moved you over here." he said. 

Duskstar looked around for the brown tabby. "Did you see another cat?" she asked.

Talonspring shook his head. "No, why?" he asked. Duskstar scented the air, but it was impossible to tell if the ShadowClan scent was him or just because they were so close to the border. 

"Was there another cat?" Talonspring asked again. 

Duskstar nodded. "ShadowClan again." she trusted Talonspring to keep this a secret. 

"Is that how you died?" he asked. 

"Yes, he pushed me onto the Thunderpath and then sat on me." she replied. Talonspring cocked his head in confusion. "I'm not weak, okay? The cat was really buff."

"What are you going to do?" he asked. Duskstar tried to recall which life she was on now.

Problem solving! Hopefully this one actually helps me.

"Just help me back to camp." she told Talonspring. She stood up and rested her weight on him. He held her easily and padded back towards the camp. Briarfern spotted them first and guided them to the medicine den. Talonspring guided her inside.

"Bring her over here," Briarfern instructed, "We have two cases of greencough. I don't want Duskstar getting infected."

Talonspring nodded and brought her to the far end of the den. They passed the sick cats: Flameshade and Lostfeather, who were both lying asleep on separate nests at the other end of the den.

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