Chapter 2

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~ Marinette's POV ~

My head pounds as I open my eyes. Bright. Too bright. I think as I grab a pillow and shove it over my face. "Marinette!" Tikki whisper-screams into my ear. "Marinette, you have to wake up. Your going to be late!"

My eyes snap open and I turn to face my alarm clock. 7:45! "Damn your right! I only have 15 minutes" I mumble, scrambling over to my closet. Once I'm dressed I walk over to the mirror and take a look at myself. Messy hair, dark bags under my eyes and chapped lips. "Nothing make-up can't solve." I murmur to myself.

As I make my way downstairs I comb my hair with my fingers trying my best to tame it but it's no use. When I reach the kitchen my maman looks up from her breakfast. "I made some croissant's down in the bakery this morning. They're still warm if you want to take one" she says, warily taking in my appearance. I just nod my head.

"Honey, are you doing alright?" No, I'm not alright. "Yes maman, I love you." I say as I make my way out the door and towards school.

~ time skip ~
~3rd person POV~

"Marinette, your late again." Says Mrs.Busteir.

"Sorry my cat ate my...........HAMSTER. Yeah.  My hamster."

"Alright" she says, clearly unconvinced. "Go sit down."

"Phew" Marinette whispers as she goes to sit in her usual spot. Carefully avoiding making eye contact with her best friend, Alya.

CRASH. The window on the other side of the classroom shatters from the impact of a new supervillain.

"I am Lie Detector!" She screams. Lie Detector looks around until she finally meets Marinette eyes. "Marinette," she slurs, "come tell your maman why you have been lying about your feelings."

~ Marinetts POV ~

For a second, I'm frozen. I want to reach out and tell my mom that it's not her fault. I want to confess everything and cry in the comfort of her embrace.

But that only lasted for a second.

Im being pulled away. I observe, as I look down to see Alya gripping my arm and running in the opposite direction. Soon all my senses are back to normal as I take in my surroundings. My classmates sprint to the door, as we do, and shove their way past students looking for a place to hide. I soon realise that Alya and I are far behind the others. I clear my head and focus on getting out.

"Oh I don't think so Marinette." Lie Detector screeches. I look over my shoulder and too late, realise my mistake. Lie detector uses this moment to her advantage and lashes her whip in my direction. As soon as the whip touches my skin I become still. Paralysed, i realise.

"MARINETTE!" I hear Alya yell. No, save yourself, I try to say but it's no use. Lie Detector has already used her whip and chose to disintegrate Alya.

"My sweet, why don't you tell me what's wrong? I know you have been crying in your room at night. Distancing yourself from everyone, even your parents." She tuts and leans forward. "Oh and if you choose to lie you'll disintegrate just like your friend."

Horror. Is the first thing I feel. If I tell her, then Shadowmoth will find out my identity. Behind Lie Detector I see a glowing, green, faint light coming from the shadows. Chat Noir!

No, a senti-monster in the shape father. Where his eyes were supposed to be was a hollow, green glow.

My eyes frantically search my surroundings. Chat Noir where are you?!

"Alright then, no words?" Silence. "Fine, when your ready to tell the truth then you can come back." And just like that, I turn to dust.

~ Chat Noir/Adrien's POV ~

I crouch in the shadows waiting to attack. Marinette is currently frozen in place with Lie Detector standing above her. I'm about to stand when a hand grabs my arm. I turn around to find Bunnix standing behind me.

"My sweet, why don't you tell me what's wrong? I know you have been crying in your room at night. Distancing yourself from everyone, even your parents." What? Surprise, and something like pain surges through me as I go to turn around.

"No time." Bunnix says and pulls me into her burrow.


~3rd person POV~

Bunnix, Chat Noir, and future Marinette stand in the Burrow.

"What...?" Asks Chat Noir.

Marinette awkwardly raises her hand and waves. "Hi."

"This is Marinette from the future. Something went wrong and she is here to help you fix it." Explains Bunnix.

"Where -" Chat begins, but is quickly cut off. "Ladybug got disintegrated but don't worry, once you and Marinette solve this I will take care of Ladybug." Chat just nods.

"You've got a plan?" Bunnix says looking at Marinette.

Marinette straightens. "Yes. Chat Noir, I want you follow my every move. Whatever happens don't come out of the shadows until I give you the signal. Okay?"

"Why?" Asks Chat.

But she ignores his question. "Her akuma is a bracelet on her right wrist. When I signal you to come out, use your belt to tie the senti-monster's hands together. Then-" Marinette reaches up and pulls out the ribbons that held her dark blue hair in pigtails. "Take my ribbon and put it over the senti-monster's eyes. If you get hit, then you'll disintegrate." A look like determination fills Marinettes eyes. "Got it?" She asks.

This time Chat Noir nods.

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