Chapter 11

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~ Marinette's POV ~

"Alya and Sabrina, Nino and Max, Marinette and-"

"Umm No! You are mistaken, Mrs. Bustier." Chloe stands up and slams her hands on the desk. "Sabrina and I are going to be partners on this project." She inspects her nails with an evil smirk on her face. "Or do I need to call daddykins?"

Mrs. Bustier sigh's with clear irritation written across her features. "Fine." Chloe's smile is all teeth as she stares down the teacher. Ugh the nerve on that girl! After a few moments of shuffling and re-organizing the partner chart - Ms. Bustier calls out the rest of the pairings. "Alya and Alix, Marinette and Adrien, and Ivan with Mylene."

Adrien?! My stomach does a little flip. Alya nudges my side with an all-knowing grin on her face. Adrien turns around and gives me a dazzling little smile. I give him one of my own. Turning back  to Alya I notice her stricken looking face.


"You-you...I-" Alya blinks a couple times before finally saying, "Your face isn't strawberry colored, you aren't flustered, and you haven't squealed yet!" she whisper screams "Where has the Marinette I've known all these years gone?! And when did this new one come?"

I chuckle and playfully roll my eyes. "We're just friends. That's all we're ever going to be and I've come to terms with that. He will never look at me the way I've looked at him and it's time I move on. Don't you think?"

Alya looks at me with a new kind of respect glimmering in her eyes. She nods and clutches my shoulder. "I'm proud of you. I'm sad that my last hopes for adriennette have been crushed but overall, I'm happy for you." She leans in until we're almost nose to nose. "Does this moving on include a blue haired musician?"

A sigh escapes my lips. "No, Alya. I said move on. Not go back to the past. Luka and I don't belong together. Besides, he deserves better than me. I don't need a man to move on." I clench my fist with a newfound determination coursing through my blood.

Alya nods. "I'm am truly proud to call you my friend Marinette Dupain-Cheng!"

We both laugh until the bell rings signaling to go to your next class. I wave goodbye to Alya and make my way down the hallway. As I'm walking, a hand grabs my wrist and pulls me into the bathroom. Panic arises in me as I figure, an akuma! Instinct takes over, causing me to grasp the attackers wrist. I push them to the bathroom floor and in the blink of an eye I have... - Sabrina's wrists pinned to the floor!


"Oh-oh my goodness! I'm so sorry Sabrina. I thought you were an akuma." Releasing her wrists, I help her to her feet.

"What a blubbering idiot. Utterly ridiculous you are!" Chloe points one of her perfectly manicured fingers at my face.

"Sabrina! Lock the door. I'm going to have a chat with this pitiful excuse of a street rat."

I grimace at her words. I'm speechless. Why does she feel the need to torment me like this? Doesn't she have anything better to do?

"Now. You listen here. You will not steal my Adrikins from me."

My fists tighten at my sides. "Chloe I-"

"Be quiet!" She completely snaps "I don't get what people see in you. You, Marinette Dupain-Cheng are absolutely ridiculous! You are pathetic, worthless, stupid, ugly and most all unremarkable. You are the most boring, peasent-like person I have ever met! And I don't understand why my Adrikins even bothers being associated with you."

Tears fill my eyes. I try to not let her words affect me but it's easier said than done. She has just mentioned all the things I secretly try to convince myself I'm not. She has just named almost all my insecurities to my face as if she knows that those are the thoughts that cross my mind almost every night and morning. Every time I see my reflection in front of a mirror. And I can't help but let her words strike my heart.

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