Chapter 6- Lights Out

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I was led by a drunk John and Rob down a dark sewer tunnel with a torch in Rob's hand. We walked down a straight path, turning once left near the end of our journey. The whole time, the only noises heard were the sounds of our shoes in the water, and the echoes of our breaths through the sewer tunnels. 

Through the silence, I look at the watch my brother gave me for my 16th birthday. It was gold and shiny, and sat around my wrist perfectly. I miss him so much, but I know I can never have him back. Or at least, I don't think I can. And that makes me feel like I have a huge pit inside of me. That's the issue, I'm a pit that bad things fall into. 

 After we make that final left turn, there is a curtain blocking one of the tunnels into the next section. Rob and John stand on either side of it. Rob lifts his cap slightly and looks at me with a look of sincerity and wonder, "Are you sure you wanna see this kid? It's a pretty sorry sight."

 I walk up to him and see him eye to eye, only I look up at him due to his massive size. "I don't care if it's Medusa in there, if there's anything to help me figure out what happened to my brother, I want to see it."

 I refuse to break eye contact with him, and Rob sighs and gives John a look of worry. "Ok then." He pulls back the black cloth to reveal hundreds... no thousands, of limp bodies, scattered across the sewer floor.

 Some looked like normal people, some worn down, some glitching with sparks flowing out of their circuits. I just had to keep telling myself, "They aren't dead, Connor. They were never alive." But that does not help the sight I am seeing. 

I take a cautious step forward, making sure not to step on anyone. John and Rob follow behind me as I examine the faces. I recognize some, my elementary school teacher, my dentist, some kids from school. I even see my uncle, laying in his signature blue t-shirt that is stained with sewer water. I just shake my head in disbelief. 

What else can I do? What am I supposed to do with this information? Rob starts to speak in a quiet tone as I continue to process the setting. 

"These are all the people who have malfunctioned. I would reckon to say 1 in 4 of the bots don't make it. I don't understand many things though. How were they built? Why do they malfunction? How do they seem to age to us? And most importantly, why are we not like them?"

 He shakes his head and looks down at his feet. John is busy kneeling down next to a woman, with blue eyes and beautiful blonde hair. I walk over to him and kneel beside the body, examining his face filled with complex emotions. He chuckles and looks up at me. 

"This was my wife, Gwen. Childhood sweethearts. I don't know why they replaced her with a robot. But god, I miss her so much." Rob grunts and walks up to us slowly. 

"Holy- my god John. Don't put ideas in that kid's head. How many times do I have to tell you, we will never see our real family again. The government most likely sent them off somewhere far far away, or killed them!" 

John gets up and stares at Rob, with fear and anger in his eyes. "That's not true Rob! Why are you so insisting on proving me wrong? I feel in my heart she's out there. That's all the proof I need. And I'm sorry you are your wife's relationship was too flawed to make a difference to that stone cold heart of yours. 

Rob widens his eyes. "Oh don't even go there John, I-" Rob stops in his tracks and looks back to the curtain, lifting it. 

His eyes widen as we hear growls and grunts emerge from the tunnel. Rob runs out of the curtain and John trails behind, gesturing to me to follow .

"The dogs got out!" Rob screams. "We gotta hurl 'em back, go go go!" And just like that, I leave my possible worst nightmare behind, and I move onto the next weirdest thing that will happen today.


The pain was unbearable. Never in my entire life have I been in so much agony. Who knew a little fire could cause so much suffering? 

Blaire and I limp through the sewer tunnels, as I make grunts and my hand swells in pain. The tears are still falling down my face, my mouth trembling with my shaking body being held up by Blaire. 

Blaire reassures me and says, "I hear the music again. Maybe there's someone who can help us." I nod and continue forward, trying to take my mind off of the burning sensation in my hand, feeling like it's on fire, swelling like I just got stung by a thousand bees.

 I look over at Blaire, and realize I have faith in her. She keeps her eyes forward on the tunnel, lively with determination and strength. I have a gut feeling she feels it's her fault, because she has a look in her eye that looks guilty. 

As we pant forward, I feel like I am being dragged along. I gesture to her to stop by holding up my hand to her face, and moan as I collapse on the floor, holding it. Blaire kneels down beside me and examines it, earning a flinch as she turns it over.

 "It's getting worse." She says as she takes off her headband and wraps it around my hand. I look at her with sympathy while she wraps it, until her eyes meet mine. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Blaire says as she ties it in a knot. I flinch a bit and close my eyes, trying to ignore the sharpness I feel. 

"You don't have to feel bad." I manage to get out, groaning and taking deep breaths. Blaire looks at me wide eyed for a moment, until she sighs and sits down next to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. 

"How could I not feel bad." She says slowly, shaking her head. "You are hurt so bad, and I'm not. You didn't deserve this, you were just trying to help someone, who you didn't even have to help in the first place." 

She has beads of tears in her eyes, as they fall down her face she wipes them away with her sleeve. I try to interject but she goes on, "I just feel useless. You know everything, where to go, how to do stuff, and all I can to do is contribute to this one thing to save us, and you still came out hurt." 

She looks down at her feet. I would say something, but it's true. I have been doing everything this whole time. And yeah, it's nice to have some company but, Blaire has honestly been more of a distraction. Nevertheless, I'm here now, and so is she, so there's no need to dwell on the past. 

Besides if she weren't here to help, I would probably not be able to go on any further after the burn, and end up dying in the sewer of starvation. So either way it's a lose lose. 

"Tell you what" I say as she lifts her head to examine my face. "If you find me help, we will forget about all you didn't do, and focus on the one thing you were able to do right." 

She smiles a bit and stands up offering her hand out to me, only to stop when we hear the sounds of footsteps in water echoing through the tunnel, and see a torch reflect the shadows of humans onto the walls. 

I get a feeling inside of pure fright, what if these people have guns? Kidnappers? What if it's the killer dogs again? Blaire stands in front of me and looks out towards the shadows, as they become bigger, and bigger, closer and closer..... 

 I squint to see the silhouette of 3 people. I was too far to see and with Blaire blocking my view I couldn't make out the faces. But with the pain in my hand and the dizziness from the horror, I feel myself lose grip on reality, and the only word I hear before the world goes dark is...


Hey guys!! Exams are finally coming to a close and I can't wait to show you all what I have in store! 

Again, you guys don't understand how much I appreciate your kinds comments, messages, and votes. Y'all are the best! Until next time!

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