Chapter 10- Game plan

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Finally! Some action. It's nice to take initiative thanks to Blaire, now we actually can do more than just sit and mope around all day long. 

Blaire explained to us an intricate and elaborate plan, focused on the brain rather than brawn. I don't have much of a brain, so I will just have to make do with what I have (reminding you it's not a lot). 

As the words escaped Blaires mouth, I listened closely, leaning in when she made emphasis or eye contact to ensure her I was in game mode. And not like the game mode before a football game at school, real game mode. 

"What we gotta do is pretend to be one of the bots. We steal people's trackers and put them on us. Then, we sneak into their base, find the commissioner, and tell him we know their secret and if he doesn't fix everything, we will call another town's police force and tell them what happened." 

 Rob shook his head and keeled down on the floor as he threw more pieces of wood into the fire. "All town's are just like this one kid. The commissioner isn't who you should be worried about. This is bigger than our small town issue. We have to find President Gordon." 

We all eye him in disbelief and Blaire shakes her head flustered as she continues on, "Ok so we get the trackers, go to the president, and then try to fix it ourselves...If we can somehow get into the President's base."

 Blaire rubs her temples in frustration. Lilah looks puzzled as she stands up and looks at the ceiling, then groans and puts her firsts on her hips, glaring at Blaire. "You think we are going to figure out how to fix this?" She gestures to our group. "We aren't the police force or the army, we are 4 kids and 2 adults! Who has no training in combat whatsoever!"

After fuming a bit, shame soon fell upon her. "Sorry if that came off as offensive. I'm not used to being able to express emotions freely."

She sat down and Blaire's eyes softened as she spoke lightly. "It's ok Lilah. We are all a little stressed right now. And no, none of us know how. But we have to try. For our families sake, we HAVE to try." 

Rob stands, "I actually have background in training for martial arts. In a couple weeks time, I could teach you all to defend yourselves properly." Madison stands next to him crossing her arms "He is right. He taught me everything I know. You know those dogs from a couple days ago? He knows how to handle them." 

 Everyone looks at her blankly for a moment, but then they nod and one by one starting with me, start to put our hands together over the fire. 

"So learn combat, steal trackers from the robots, and sneak into a highly protected government base? Doesn't sound too hard." I smirk as I put in my hand. 

The last to put their hand in is Rob, but with a nod of encouragement from Madison, he gives in. Then we lift them up and disperse. 

Blaire and Lilah start to gather supplies, Rob and Madison prepare for training, and John goes to book our flights. 

 I mumble under my breath, "Watch out Washington, here we come". 

Long time no see guys.... life has been a bit of a mess lately. But I think I'm back to writing regularly. Votes and comments are appreciated :)

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