No Couch But A Niall

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A/N A cute filler chapter I hope you enjoy reading lovelies <3

(H-15 L-17)

"What the hell!" Niall yelled. Liam had accidentally sprayed him with his water bottle and not Louis. Let's just say Niall wasn't happy to get his food wet.

Liam ran and Niall raced after him, I didn't know what would happen once Niall caught Liam but it'd be funny to watch.

Louis and Liam have this game spraying each other with water; ever since it became nice out it's been a war zone. Who will attack first and will the other be prepared or forced to run? I find it quite funny as Louis has spare clothes in his car and locker just incase he gets to wet. 

They got in trouble for it in class once, when Louis sprayed an innocent girl on accident . Since then they decided it would be better to keep the water fights out of the classroom.

We were sitting outside on the patio for lunch: Niall, Louis, Liam, and I. Zayn had to retake a test for his chemistry class meaning he was absent from the rare sunny weather.

"Who wants to bet Nialls gonna get Liam back?" I smirked at Louis.

He did a double take. "What! No way, Niall won't catch Liam; Li is in too good of shape."

"Okay bet" I said.

He looked shocked but agreed. Louis leaned in and was an inch from my face about to kiss me, "Just be prepared to lose." He smiled and got up from the picnic table.

"Hey! Tease" I pouted.

"Tommo the tease, 's my stripper name. How do you think I get my money?" He joked.

"The money you're gonna give me once I win" I fire back, proud of my comeback. He looks pleasantly surprised by my response.

"You wish" He had a stupid grin on his face and there was no way I was leaving lunch without a kiss.

Lunch ended and Niall never outran Liam. Damn. Louis gave me a look that said I-told-you-so and I rolled my eyes. He smiled triumphantly and I couldn't help but smile too. "We never technically said what we were betting on." I pointed out.

"I won and I want a kiss." He said.

I pretended like it was the worse thing in the world, and dramatically dragged myself over to were he was standing. When we kissed though, all my fake feelings faded away and I melted into the kiss; just enjoying it. We didn't make out or anything but it was a nice kiss with a soothing type of passion. "I love you" I said.

"I love you too" Louis held my face and gave me another peck. He looked at me in my eyes and just held my gaze. I swear I could suffocate in his blue eyes. His hands grazed down my shoulders and arms. His hands took hold of mine and he gave them a squeeze before we finally said goodbye.

I was so unbelievably happy. We had come out in the middle of the year. It wasn't a formal announcement or anything but we started holding hands and we kissed in the hall way, couple things like that. People got the ideal

It wasn't a huge thing; it was a buzz for a couple days but soon faded and there wasn't much trouble. Brandon was a little bit of a dick, but I don't care about him. He can step on a lego.


"Have you and Lou talked about what's going to happen when he goes to college?" Jay and I were baking again. We were making lemon bread and I couldn't wait to eat every last crumb.

"Yeah, we're staying together." I said. We had talked and it was a serious conversation which was rare for us, we didn't like to be serious. We both knew we didn't want to break up; sure long distance was hard but if one couple could survive it, we would.

She eyed me, "you sure? Long distance is hard."

"I know but we can see each other on weekends and he gets longer breaks, we'll be alright." I was confident in us, Louis and I, we loved each other.

"I'm sure you will" she smiled.

Once the lemon bread was in the oven I went to Louis's room. Of course he was writing in his song book, the one I have yet to see the insides of. He was laying down writing inside the secret pages, his face was scrunched and he was focused. My heart smiled and I carefully walked over and wiggled my way next him. Laying down with my arms around his lower torso and my head nestled in his side.

I heard Louis stop writing and his book close. "How was baking love?" He asked me.

"Good" I smiled. We twisted ourselves to where Louis was laying on his back and I was cuddling on top of him. Louis traced shapes on my back as I laid there and talked about baking. I didn't bother asking about his songs, he never told me, but that was okay.

I placed a kiss on Louis chest and looked up at him. We just starred at each other for a minute before crashing our lips together. My legs straddled him as our tunges met and I suppressed a moan. We explored each other's mouths in mixture of lust and bliss. Heated messy kisses were exchanged as my hands roamed his hair.

His hands reached under my shirt and my breath quickened. Where his hands touched my bare skin it felt like fire and I wanted more. I started kissing down his neck and found a sweet spot on his collar that made him moan. I decided I loved the sound; and even though realistically we couldn't make to much noise, I wanted to make him moan louder.

I took my lips away from his neck and admired the redish-purple spot I made. Louis took this as an advantage to rip off my shirt and flip us over. By this point I was already partly hard and I knew Louis knew that. I also knew he was supporting a half hard member as well.

Once Louis was straddling me he stripped off his shirt making it last a little longer than needed, though I didn't complain. "Told you I was a stripper." He whispered in my ear. Normally I would laugh but right now I was so turned on that the words didn't help my situation.

Now was Louis' turn to explore my neck. He sucked a few spots on my neck but didn't roam for a sweet spot. Instead he kissed farther down my collar and onto my chest and stomach. I tried my hardest not to make any noise but he was making that really hard, among other things.

"Hey Louis what was, AH!" Louis and I jumped apart and looked at a stunned Niall. I looked back and forth between Niall and Louis not sure what to do.

"I don't know whether i should get a camera or leave." Niall said.

"LEAVE!" Louis and I yelled at the same time. After that Niall was quick to get out of the room. Louis and I looked at each other mortified before bursting into laughter. I put my head on Louis' bare shoulder.

"Were we going to have sex?" I asked. Louis and I haven't talked about sex much before. I was always too young and it wasn't something we were worried about. We had been together for three years though. I knew I was going to lose my virginity to Louis, when was the question.

"I don't know. Maybe. Did you want to?" He asks, taking my hand to play with my fingers.

"Of course I wanted to." I say like it was obvious because it should be. "But I'm also kinda glad we didn't." Louis hums as a response and nods his head but he seems a little upset in a way.

"I just mean that I want our first time to be more special than a spur of the moment thing while your mums downstairs. It doesn't have to be candles and rose petals or anything but I don't think today was the right time. Not that I didn't love the snogging and being a little wrecked, what 15-year-old doesn't love being horny; but-" I was cut off by Louis lightly kissing me.

"Hey, I get it. I want it to be special too, it'll be my first time too. I liked today though too, we should do it more often." He assured me. I blushed a little from his comment. "By the way, you look really cute when you're flustered." I hid my burning face in Louis' chest and he ran his fingers through my hair.

Today was a good day.

A/N I hope you guys liked it. I formally apologize for the 'spice' in this chapter one because Niall cockblocked and you were robbed but two bc it probably sucked akjdfahf. I say this now there will be no smut in this book as i am not comfortable writing full on smut (*cough* *cough* yet never say never ;) ) Thanks for understanding I love each one of you valid souls! Drink your water. Bye lovelies <3

Make sure your pet butterfly is dyed blue and green 

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