Chapter - 1

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Y/n has an owl quirk. Y/n can do anything an owl can. Her hearing is 100x better then a normal human beings is including eye sight, night vision, and taste. . .

Y/n's eyes and wings look just like an owls very detailed too.
(P.s y/n is more blunt, straight forward, with trauma, trust issues, ddy issues etc.)

Y/n can also hide there eyes and turn them into brown, y/n's real eye color are different. One eye is black and the other is a light yellow

Enjou ig-

You're walking down a long and dark tunnel. You're wearing all black, black t-shirt, black Hoodie, black pants, black shoes and even black gloves on. The farther you walk the longer it feels, like, the tunnel is stretching or something.
Hearing my foot steps walk in water as the water makes an echo noise every time i step. There's also water dripping one after another on the tunnels cement that is now wet. Everything is dark, pitch-black around you. You slowly start to see someone on the other end.

He looks old and like he hasn't had any treatment in...a while. They started to walk faster and faster the closer you got to them. You could see now, it's a boy, but not just any boy. He has slick blue hair that looks a little under-washed. he looks kinda crusty like too. He starts putting his hand out in front of you. He is now about 7 steps far away from you before he can touch you with his illness-looking hands, until, everything fades into nothing. . . .


You find yourself waking up into your dorm room at UA highschool. The alarm is going off from your phone. You tried finding a way to ignore it but i kind of got the best of you and now you are fully awake. Completely. You wanted to stay in your warm, cozey bed forever and never get up but before you did have to start the day at 5:00, you went onto your phone just to see what is going on in the world of social-media. Just like you always do, every single morning. By 5:20 or so you finally got your lazy ass up and headed to the kitchen to eat breakfast. That's exactly what you did. You got breakfast ( witch were just three waffles), brushed your teeth, took a quick steamy shower, brushed/ combed your hair just to look decent enough, got dressed, and by the time of 5:57 you got your shoes on and started to walk to Class 1-A.

You started walking down the hallways of UA highschool. You had your earphones in with music playing in the background because you like listening to music, it's kind of a natural "routine" of yours. There are a lot of people around you, lots of crowds, big groups, small groups, people running, shoving, screaming, giggling, laughing, playing around with thier quirks etc. "People really know how to be extra.." You said to myself under my breath very quietly. You start jamming to some music again untill you felt something un-plug your earphones and got disturbed. You looked sharp at whoever just interrupted you in the eyes ready to kill someone, but it's just that damn shark boy. "Eijiro Kirishima."

He can be a hand-full at times. But i somehow "signed up" to be his friends. . . a.k.a he begged me non-stop untill i agreed to it. Eijiro looks at me with a stupid, dorky smile and his eyes full of joy and warmth. Eijiro somehow never failed to make you feel safe yet angry at the same time with his stupidity. "Wth do you want Kirishima? Can't you see I'm busy?" You scolded Eijiro a little bit giving him a "what was the reason" face expression.
"Well i just wanted to know if you wanted to train after school with me today? With Bakubro?" Kirishima looks at you with an even dorky-er smile. His smile went from ear to ear he was so happy. "Wait, so you're telling me you interrupted me just for that?" You continued
"Ei i told you if someone has there earphones in or listening to music, don't bother them." You told him taking your earphones back and listening to your music again, paying no attention once-so-ever.

Eijiro kept following you with a stupid(cute) smile on his face. You assumed and/or knew why he was following you still.
You sigh taking one of your earphone out, pausing the music, and told him the answer he was eagerly seaking for.
"Yes, Eijiro, i will train with you and Bakubitch today." Eijiro started to get excited but you had to burst his bubble, just a little bit.

"BUT please keep that goddamn anger issued management needed Pomeranian in controll. Or even better, on a leash" you stop looking at Eijiro and start listening to music again ignoring anything else that was happening around you, including Eijiro.
Sorry if this was short, it was kinda rushed. I have a volleyball game that i need to attend to in 2 hours and i need to get ready

Time stamp- 1hour 24 mins
Words- 864
The next chapter will be out soon y'all sorry for the cliffhanger😩

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