Chapter 6 - Boring endless days

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The hospital is quiet, but not all the time.
There is almost always people telling code blue, or yelling, or people in a panic or even some giving birth and babies crying.
The hospital is definitely not the quietest but it's something you sadly can't control.

You're looking out the window, while eating apple slices, one by one you pick one up, bring it to your mouth and eat it.
You weren't too hungry but the doctor and nurse forced you to so you no choice really.

After taking lots of needles In your arms, back and legs, you felt sleepy almost all the time so you couldn't talk much to your class mates, especially Eijiro & Katsuki.

You spend most of your time on your phone, but there is only so many things you can do before you get bored sadly.
There were always birds chirping, leaves falling, wind blowing, sun refecting off of the windows too.
Even when it was night and dark out it was always lit in your room. The moonlight beating down through the window, yet gentel.

The nurse came in to do your daily check, needles, medicine, tried making you start eating food again but you just barfed it buck up, ever since you started starving yourself cause you were "Fat" you've gotten used to it and even one bite makes you loose your apitie, if you even had one.

You're getting thinner but some progress has been informed.
You have been losing less blood cause you're not cutting anymore because there are always cameras In your room and any sharp objects have been removed so there really isn't sadly a way to do so.
The doctor came in and said. That you should be able to be discharged from the hospital in a nother week or so, it's been a month since you've gone there.

You didn't know that you lost That much blood just from cutting.
Y/n was looking at her "get well cards" and all of the other stuff you have gotten while there at the hospital mainly from EI and Kat, you started to dose off, your eye lids getting heavier as they close and everything goes black.







You wake up feeling dizzy, you tried opening your eyes but it was no use, they still felt like something maybe lead even was forcing it down.
The more you got in focus with your eyes closed you started hearing sounds of voices, like male voices, they weren't young nor old either, maybe like 16-19? It was hard to tell.

You decided to just stay out where you were mainly because 1. You were tied to the chair, 2. They probably would have seen yo ass and killed you, and 3. It was the smartest thing to do, you have seen so many movies about these kind of things do you kind of knew not to be that stupid popular blond girl that thinks she's the shit even though everyone knows that she ain't shit.

You layed into the same position you were in before and just listened to all of the people talking.
You decided to just wait for them to leave the room or where ever you were at, but the problem was that they never did,
They all just kept talking and at one point, you were a girl voice too, but she sounded-

Creepy? A little phyco like maybe?
Like she had a really interesting voice, your didn't know if she was younger or more of a teenager.
But who the hell knows anymore at this point really.

About 10 or so minutes later, it was dead silent.

You were anxious.

You thought they knew you were awake.

You thought that this was the end.

Your dreams about to be crushed.

No more being a hero.

No more saving innocent lives.

No more seeing Eijiro & Katsuki...

You've missed your chance to tell them how you really felt even if it didn't go well and they rejected you, at least you knew there answer.









"I know you're awake~"
You here a guy say, his voice was hot, his hot breath beading down in my cold, clueless face.

You felt like he was looking you up and down like a snack, like he was hungry, hasn't eaten in years too

"Ow, what the hell was that for you asshole?"
He had smacked you across the face, he had a great arm on him too T^T
You opened your eyes to see who the hell hits you, and damn was he hot.
Or should I say more like They were hot.

"ah~ see I knew you were awake princess~"
A bird man said, he has beautiful bright red wings, and his hair was everything a girl could ask for. That shit was bussin bussin.

Then there was another guy with this bird guy.
He looked crispy and maybe hasn't even showered in a couple of--years.
His hair was spiky, he had scars on his face, stables holding the skin together too.

He was sadly hot too.
They were probably together tho.

" it's always the hot men that are gay and/or taken already, this is one of them"
You thought to yourself while having intense eye contact with the crispy lookin basterd.

Although I have a feeling that was ashes and loot in his hair, not hair dye or his regular hair, no fucking way, and if it was then damn. Just damn.

There was tape over your mouth but the bird man was nice enough to take it off, carefully too.

"Why the hell am I here?"
"How did you find me?"
"How did you get away with it too"

"Whoa there princess, calm down, you're safe, halfly...." The bird man says smirking

"What do you mean "halfly"

"You'll fine out later princess"

"stop fucking calling me "Princess" is annoying"

"Aww don't be so feisty now little princess, this is only the beginning" the burned basterd jumped in to respond.
Words- 1023
Time Stamp- 3 days

Sorry it took so long I've been really busy for this past week.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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