your mother and mine

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Adie POV

G: *happy sigh* hey adie

I: hey i'm here too

A: oh hey irene!

                 I get up off gabbie and help her up. I'm glad she learned the sheet music i wrote her

A: OH MY GOD! guess what!

I: ugh what?

A: nah you gotta guess come on guess! guess guess guess

Irene POV

                Geez she's like a hyperactive lil kid...gabbie doesn't seem to mind at all

G: *chuckle* what is it

A: nah uh ya gotta guess i already told ya!

G: oh come on adie 

A: fine fine fine

                   She starts flying around us all happily then lands on Gabbie's shoulders

A: I'MA MEET MY MOM TODAY! I'MA FINALLY GET TO MEET HER! i mean i like did when i was a wittle tiny baby but yanno it don't count cus i can't remember...ANYWAYS! I'MA GO PAST THE SECOND STAR! I'MA SEE THE MAIN LAND AND MY MOM! ISN'T THAT GREAT!?!

I: have a mom?

A: well yeah of course...don't...don't you?

                   She floats off Gabbie's shoulders and gets her two feet back onto the ground

G: *sigh* well...

I: u-uh well you see...*sigh*

G: we don't really have moms

A: what do you mean? everyone has moms

I: she means...we don' dad never even spoke about my mom i assumed for a long time i never h-had one *tears up* we never even knew em to begin with

                       Most girls around here have a mom who teaches them to maybe cook or how to do their dad tries don't get me wrong but i feel like the connection between a mom and a daughter would be special 

A: oh...i'm gabbie?

G: nah...the most my dad told me is he got drunk while visiting the main land and went home with a girl...he left after he had her way and came back when i was born...she didn't want me and my dad didn't want her...but he loved me so...yanno t-there's that

A: oh...guys i'm sorry i d-didn't know

G: *clears throat* it's fine whatever who even cares? anyways uh...well that's great adie

I: *sigh* you're lucky yanno?

A: yeah i know i can't wait to see her

I: no i mean be able to get there

A: i thought your dads got over there once

G: yeah when they kidnapped a bunch of fairies and used their pixie dust

A: o-oh

I: but you just just a hop, skip and a jump and boom you fly

A: not really...that's my dad's thing i still need pixie dust...he can do it without tink because he found his happiest thought years mom...i don't have that yet yanno? i have to carry dust around

       that means she...hmm

Gabbie POV

G: well besides that...that's AMAZING ADIE!



                   She runs towards me and this time i can brace for inpact. I squat a lil, wrap my arms around her waist while she hugs me and lift her which mind you i can only do without trying because she's floating       

A: i-i'm so happy 

G: you should's not everyday you can meet your mom

I: even if it should be

                Adie looks down at me smiling. She floats a lil higher before getting outta my lose grip 

G: OH by the way! i had something i wanted to show you too!


G: you've gotta..guess~

A: hey no fair

I: fully fair aha   

A: ight hair cut?

G: nope

A: hmmm...oh you shined your boots!

G: nah uh one more try

A: got a cat?

G: pfft i wish okay close your eyes

                    She listens and makes sure she has her feet on the ground as i put on my hook. I put it in front of her face

G: ight open


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