♔Chapter 2♔

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Ellaria's POV

I was walking through the plane wearing my grey sweatpants and my school t-shirt. My hair slipping through from my messy bun as I feel cold air hitting as I get off the private plane. I looked through the blinding sun. They are stood Pepper and my mother. I quickly ran giving them a hug. Happy comes out of the car chirping up getting my attention.

"Last time I saw you, you were only this tall." I hold his hand up to his chest smiling. I giggle giving him a hug.

"That was when I was twelve."

My mother puts her hand on my cheeks kissing my forehead. She turns around showing me the car door open. When we sat in the seat, I looked up to see Pepper looking sad at me. "Pepper?"

"You shouldn't join it's too dangerous for you." Pepper blurts. I know Pepper means well. She has known me since I was nine. She was a second mother to me. Pepper sighs and speaks up, "I don't want to see you hurt again."

That day was when Pepper remembers seeing bruises on me after that day. I massaged her hands, "I wont work for the Avengers, or S.H.I.E.L.D. I will only work for Mr. Stark and my mom."

Pepper eyes narrowed and her head tilted to the side. "What do you mean?"

I look outside and smile. "The Avengers are not who I will be taking orders from. I will only follow the orders of Tony Stark."

While my mom and Pepper talk, I look out watching the scenery change. It made me think on how everything is changing in my life. When I was with my father, I was an honor student going into technological science. Everything changed when I lost him. I am in technological science and close to getting my degree, but my powers grew from that day. My abilities grew to much from grief. The sense of no wanting another daughter to lose her father from these tragedies.

When we arrived at Stark Tower, I get out of the car looking up. I have not been here since 2012. Flashback coming back haunting me of not knowing if my mom or if my dad is safe. The pause of my heart wondering if I was going to die or survive. The overpowering thought of wondering my loved one's life. The tears blinding my eyesight as I used magic to shield myself from the danger on the other side.

I felt my mother's hand lightly on my back. She knew what I was feeling without the need to read my mind. She grabbed my hand and kissed it. "It's going to be okay." We walked in and heard the soft elevator music.

My mother whispered, "We will go greet Mr. Stark and you should go get ready for the party." I nodded and looked back forward again.

When walking to the elevator I could hear JARVIS, "I'll continue to run variations on the interface. But you should probably prepare for your guests."

As Tony turns around to walk, we come and greet him. His face looked tired as if he were working on a big project for days and nights. I quietly greeted him. "Hi Mr. Stark, it's good to see you again." He looked up from the ground and smiled.

"Gosh kid, you've grown so much. How is school going?" He asked giving me a hug.

I hug him back laughing. "It's going good my grades are up and I am so thankful of you getting me to school here in New York. Like my dad. I also can't wait to work for you Mr. Stark."

Tony pulls away from the hug and looked like he was about to bring up joining the Avengers. "You could always join the Avengers." I knew it.

Smirking, I shook my head no. "I don't work well with other people."

Tony chuckles, "you know I said the exact same thing. Now I work with the Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Captain America, and Thor."

"And you tend to butt head any chance you get." Tony points at me. "But we respect each other."

"Ms. Gorman welcome back." JARVIS said behind Tony.

"JARVIS! It's good to hear you again."

"You as well Ms. Gorman. It good to hear you back after everything that has happened."

"Hmm well I'm going to my room and get ready for the party. I'll see you there Mr. Stark." I said walking off.

As I walked through the hallway, I looked at how they changed and remodeled the place. I cannot help but feel numb when I touch the walls. My mother has put me through therapy to cope with the trauma, but I cannot help but to not let it go. As thoughts races through my head, I do not see the six feet man in front of me and crash into him. He turns around grabbing my shoulder helping me balance again.

"I am so sorry are you okay?"

I shake his hands off smiling. "Yes, I'm fine and I should be sorry. I should have been watching where I was going."

As I was about to walk off, I felt a tug on my arm. I turn around seeing the blond man looking at me intently. "Can I help you sir?"

Confusion spread across his face. "How did you get in here. I don't recognize you."

I look around feel dumbfounded. "Mr. Stark is a family friend and invited me to the party." He got close to my face while pulling me in. I could practically smell his darn breath.

"Who are you? You look familiar." He replied to me.

I felt something in me snap. I tried to get out of his hold looking his eyes. "You don't know me, but I know exactly who you are Captain America."

A voice caught our attention making him look to his side. "Steve let her go." I turn to look to see where the voice came from and see Natasha glaring at him. Steve did that and looked back to me. "I'm sorry if I scared you. You're just someone unfamiliar."

I nodded, "it's fine I would have done the same, but you are hardly scary. I've seen it before and you Steve are far from it."

I look back to Nat and smile running to her. I jump on her giving her a hug and feeling her hug me back. "I've miss you, auntie."

Nat is like my mom best friend so naturally I call her my auntie. Steve sounded confused hearing that. "Auntie?" Steve questioned.

"I have known this girl since she was little. You look just like your father." Nat said looking at me.

It feels good hearing about my dad again I look around seeing Steve and Nat looking at me. "I need to go get ready for the party. I will see you soon." I waved walking off.

"You better look great!" Nat said before I walked to my door.

As I walked into my room and in the moment entering, I look at my end table. My room never changed since I left for college. On my nightstand was a framed photo of my dad and I holding my acceptance letter for Duke University. I grabbed it and sat on my bed. My vision started to get blurry, and I hold the photo to my chest.

"I miss you daddy." 

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