My New Life

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A/N Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson sadly :'( well this is my first wattpad story. So if it's bad sorry. Here it goes.


I watched as Annabeth laid across my bed reading some book about ancient architecture. She was my last friend, the only one of the seven and the camp who hadn't fallen for that idiot Nick's schemes, but she seemed to be slipping away from me so I invited her to my cabin. I smiled and laid down next to her and wrapped my arms around her waist, “Hey, Wise Girl.”

“Seaweed Brain, I'm trying to read,” she said as she turned towards me and smirked.

I gently kissed her lips and said, “Too bad.” In the distance I heard a horn blow signaling time for dinner. Annabeth started to get up, really quickly for her. “Where ya going?”

“Dinner, Seaweed Brain, where else?” she laughed and bent over and kissed me.

“Can't we skip it?!” I whined.

“Do you want to deal with a hungry Annabeth?”

I stood up immediately, “No. No. No. Last time you were hungry you nearly wiped out a whole army of monsters by yourself.”

She smirked, “That's what I thought.” And with that she left to go to the dining hall.

After dinner I couldn't find Annabeth anywhere so instead of being insulted by everyone of my former “friends” I decided to walk on the beach. She would know to find me there if she started looking.

I started walking and got lost in thought. I thought about how Nick, coming in saying he's a son of Zeus, completely ruined my life. It was two weeks after the war with Gaea. First, he came in running from three hell hounds, I ran in and saved him. The next day he claimed he killed all three hell hounds while I hid from them. Everyone believed him, except for the seven, and called me a coward. Next, he pranked and destroyed the seven's cabins. He left mine untouched he even destroyed the Zeus cabin. He told everyone it was me. The seven, minus Annabeth, hated me. The gods hated me too because they took it as a personal offense to destroy their childrens' cabins. Every god and goddess, except for Athena and Hades, hated me. Athena and Hades knew I wouldn't do that. They didn't stand up for me, but they didn't try to sentence me to death.

After a while someone talking broke me from my thoughts. I looked up in horror to see Annabeth talking to Nick. I stayed quiet but within earshot.

“So are you gonna kiss me or what?” Nick said.

I waited for Annabeth to punch him or something but what happened next shocked me. Annabeth kissed him. She KISSED him. After a minute I said, “Annabeth?” She turned around and sure enough it was her.

“It's not what it looks like, Perce.”

I ran away from her and to my cabin. I hastily threw clothes in my bag and ran out the door. I stood on Half-blood Hill looking at the place I used to call home. Now, it would be just a memory. Just a horrible terrible awful memory. I turned and ran off into the night.

I got to the bottom of the hill when I felt someone's presence behind me. I spun around quickly holding Riptide uncapped in my hand. The figure stepped back from my sword, “I'm not here to harm you, Perseus.”

“Who are you? How do you know who I am? Why are you here?”

“I am Chaos, creator of the Universe.You are the most powerful demigod. Everyone knows who you are. And I have come here to offer you a deal.”

I thought for a minute before asking, “What kind of deal?”

“Come with me and be leader of my army. It will not be on earth we can go to any planet.”

I pondered this. Stay here and be killed by monsters or go with Chaos and command an army and never see earth again. I looked up at him, “Yes. I accept your offer.”

He opened portal and we both stepped through onto Chaos' planet. Here is where my new life began.

A/N Sooooooo please tell me what you think. And I'm going to ask questions at the end of each chapter first one to get it right gets the dedication.  Who invented/created the labyrinth?

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