Part 11

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"Lee y/n? What?" you tried to figure out his last words. You made him lie properly. His mother came with a glass of water. You drank fully. "Sorry Ms Lee, he gave you trouble", she said. "It's okay, Mrs Kim. I saw him on my way from a meeting. He was in front of the convenience store", you said.

You both sat on the couch as you wanted to catch some breath. "Is Taehee happy with her work?" you asked her. "She is more than happy. I am still worried about her but she is managing well", she said. "I see. Does she sleep already?" you asked Mrs Kim.

"No, she said that she is at work and will be late", she said. "Mrs Kim, she doesn't work after 6 pm", you crooked your eyebrows. "She has no reason to. We don't take appointments after 6", you said. Mrs Kim had a shocking expression.

She tried to call her. But Taehee came home with a man. "Taehee ya, where were you and who is this?" you heard them talking on the porch. "Mom, I will explain. Please come inside", she came in.

"Jungkook?" "Y/n?" Taehee came with Jungkook. "Ms Lee", Taehee greeted you with a shocking expression. "Can you explain this?" her mom asked. "Mom, we are dating", she said.

"I am Jeon Jungkook", he bowed politely, still wondering what you were doing here. "You both are dating, huh", you let out a laugh. "Yah! You ditched me today for your date", you raised your eyebrows. "See, I can explain", he said.

"You come home today. I will kill you", you said. "Home?" Taehee looked at both of you. "Oh! Didn't he tell you? We live together", he said. "Yah yah! Don't make it like something else", Jungkook panicked.

He didn't want Taehee to get a wrong idea. "What? We are always under the same roof. If she asks you to bring her to your house, where will you go?" you questioned. Mrs Kim understood nothing. "Tae hee Shi, you are dating him without knowing anything", you said.

"Y/n, don't play in my life", he said. "You are playing in her life", you crossed your arms. You heard a faint sob. "Yah! Y/n! Stop playing", he begged. He kneeled near Taehee. "Don't listen to her okay. I will explain everything to you", he tried to console her.

"What is happening?" a messy Taehyung came from this room. "Your sister is dating him", you pointed at Jungkook. "What?" he sobered in a minute. "Everyone shut up now", Mrs Kim couldn't take anymore.

Every one of you gulped. "Ms Lee, please sit down. Taehee, stop crying. You, she pointed at Jungkook, sit down. Taehyung goes and at least wash your face and come back. Let's talk then", she said. It was pin-drop silence.

"Are you happy?" Jungkook whispered. You turned your face from him. "Are you both siblings or something?" Mrs Kim asked you. "No, we are not at all blood related", you said. "Are you really living with her?" Taehee asked.

Her eyes were glistening. "I do but", he sighed. "Why? Is this why rich are not to trust", she bit her lips. "Better explain them", he nudged your shoulder. You felt bad for Taehee but was mad at Jungkook.

"You deal your problem", you said. Taehyung hurriedly washed his face and brushed his teeth. He cursed himself for getting drunk. He assumed that you should have brought him home.

He came to living room. He sat beside his mother. Jungkook was preparing himself to explain. "Just give me one chance, I will explain. Even your brother knows about our past", he begged her. "I live there to cut hotel expenses", he said.

"See, I am travelling from Japan, so staying in hotels are expensive. I can stay in her house because she has a big one. Also, we are best friends and more like a family", he said in a go. "Family?" Mrs Kim asked.

"Yeah, I am an orphan and she is my family", he said. Mrs Kim teared up. "I think I should explain everything y/n ah. Even though, I met her recently I believe this relationship would go longer than expected", he held your hands. You never saw Jungkook this serious.

"I am willing to open up to her. I really like her so much", he said. You nodded. "But, don't tell infront of me. I am going for a walk", you stood up. "Wait, Ms Lee. I will accompany you", Taehyung grabbed his jacket and came out.

He was happy that Jungkook was not interested in you in a romantic way. You both were walking silently side by side. "Why did you lie to me about plans?" you asked him. "Well, I didn't lie. I was planning to loosen up anyway", he said.

"Did love someone so much that you couldn't forget and get drunk?" you asked. He stopped walking. "I heard you telling, I love her but she doesn't love me", you said.

"Ms Lee, I am sorry for bringing you trouble", he said. "I never asked you to apologize. But who is she?" You asked. You couldn't let it slide. Your heart beats raised when he said that he was in love with someone else.

"If you don't want, need not tell me", you settled on a park bench. He sat beside you. "But, if you are loving someone else, don't kiss another woman", you said, looking at him. He gulped. How will he tell that it's you? "Ms Lee, I- I want to confess something", he said.

"I have feelings for you. I thought that you and Mr Jeon were dating", he said, looking down. "Do you like me?" you asked him. "It's okay if you don't feel the same", he said. "I wonder if I really like you are not", you chuckled.

You grabbed his face. "Let's test it", you placed your lips on his lips. He was shocked at first. You moved your lips against him. He closed his eyes in response. Minty alcohol smell hit your nose but you didn't want to ruin the moment.

Afterall, he was drunk for you. You pushed your tongue inside making him shiver. You took dominance in an instant. He was gently holding your waist. You parted your lips sucking his lower lip. You moved away from him. He blinked a few times.

"I keep professional life and private life separately. I can't date my secretary", you said. His face fell but still nodded understandingly. He gave a sad smile. "Who cares? Cause I change the rules", you bopped his nose.

You chuckled at him. He looked at you confusingly. "Come on, let's date Kim Taehyung", you said, smiling. He felt like going crazy. He smashed his lips back into yours. He held you tightly throughout the kiss.

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