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Zhongli has heard countless prayers throughout his time as the Geo Archon. Wishes for riches, prayers for peace, and even calls for vengeance. Regardless of what they wished to possess, humans would naturally turn to their gods to ask for blessings when they felt that their own abilities might not be enough.

But if gods were who humans turned to, then who do archons turn to when they felt unsure of themselves? What if this time, it was the former Geo Archon himself who had prayers he wanted to be answered?

"Is there something on your mind? You know you can tell me anything"

Your question snaps him out of his reverie, amber eyes meeting with your own as you smile softly at him. A soft hand presses itself against his forehead, checking for his temperature before pulling away and making him miss the warmth and softness of your skin on his.

"You don't have a fever or anything..." You sigh in relief, worrying for a second that your friend might have been experiencing some sort of discomfort which was why he was spacing out so much. Something he never did until now.

"There is no need to worry. I was merely...reminiscing about some things. I apologize for taking my attention elsewhere when we should have been enjoying a meal together. As such, I declare that it will be my treat this time for breaching our agreement."

Zhongli spoke so resolutely that you'd think he broke some sort of binding contract...But you were honestly flattered all the same that he viewed the time you spent together to be that important.

You feel heat upon your cheeks at his declaration, but it was soon overshadowed by tinkling laughter. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were Rex Lapis with how seriously you're taking my promise about hanging out to eat. 'Cuz you know....God of Contracts and all that"

Despite how serious he looked to be, the funeral consultant could be so adorable even without trying that it almost brought tears to your eyes. Even if it was just as unlikely as the Geo Archon appearing before you, even you could not deny butterflies in your stomach and the drumbeats of your heart whenever you so much as think of the man.

"I'll be sure to compensate you next time when I get my salary though...so look forward to it!"

The dark-haired man nodded in acceptance of your newest contract, chuckling as you went back to your neglected meal in a flustered hurry. "Very well then. I shall look forward to this future excursion of ours ."

You pretend not to hear the emphasis he made on the last word, feeling as if your heart wouldn't be able to take being disappointed if you hoped for too much.

And yet, that doesn't prevent your heart of hearts from uttering its own prayer. Who knows? Mayhaps the Geo Archon himself might hear your plea and decide to bless you.

Prayer (Zhongli X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now