12 - marry you

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Author's POV

10th January 2021

Tom's career is currently on the top. He has finished shooting for the new Spiderman 3. Moreover, now's the premiere for Cherry. A movie he's been working hard for a long time since 2019. There are lots of physical appearance changes inside this movie. He works with Ciara Bravo as the lead character.

On this day too, Tiff visited Tom in London. She thought they could watch Cherry together.

"I can't show that to you," Tom said.

"Why? It's your movie," Tiff confused and narrowed her eyes, "You're hiding something?"

"Just don't watch it, okay? I don't want you to be mad."

"Ahaha. I won't. It's just a movie."

"Fine, but keep your promise that you won't be mad."


They watch Cherry with his brothers and Harisson. The scenes are wonderful. It's amazing how the Russo brothers direct Cherry. Things went well until they arrived at the scene where Tom and Ciara kiss. Tiffany comments nothing. But there goes another kiss which is more intimate. Tom's in extremely nervous mode. He looks at her but she says nothing. She only moves her eyebrows close and smiles.

"You're not jealous?" Tom asked.

"No. Why would I be jelly?"

Hearing Tiff's answer made Tom disappointed. He continued, "I kissed her like that and you're not jealous?"

"You want me to be possessive?"

"Yes!" Tom cried.

"SHHHH," Harry whispered.

Tiff laughs and plays with Tom's grumpy chin. He looks back at her and straightly kissed her lips. Tiff leans on Tom's shoulder afterward. After 7 days passed, Tiffany goes back to Indonesia.

. . .

4th February 2021

"Just a minute!" Mrs. Johnson yelled. She let her jaw dropped as she sees her guests. 

"Hello, Mrs. Johnson. I'm here with my parents. We want to talk with you and Tiffany," Tom explained.

"Sure, come in," Mrs. Johnson continues pointing her finger to the guest sofa, "Please feel welcomed." 

Tom and his parents sit down while Tiffany walks out after her mom called. 

"Oh, nice to meet you again, Mr. and Mrs. Holland, umm, would you like some drink?" Tiffany quickly greeted. Tom can't help smiling.

"Water is fine, thank you," Dominic replied.

"You're such a sweet girl," Nikki said suddenly.

"Thank you," Tiffany smiled.

"By the way, I brought my parents here because I want to propose to you," Tom said.

"W-what?" Tiff asked.

"Tiff, will you marry me?" Tom kneeled down in front of their parents. His hands holding a red box of golden rings inside. Tom's parents and Tiffany's mother giggled.

Tiffany nodded, "Yes."

"Thank you," Tom said while gently placing a ring on Tiff's finger.

. . .

10th March 2021, London

Guests arriving to witness the couple's happy ending. Tom Holland looks handsome as always. Tiffany's endearing as well. Her gown sparkles and fits her body. Her lips are red as the roses, which completes her final look.

"Do you Tom Holland, take Tiffany Marceline as your wedded wife?" the priest questioned.

"I do," Tom said.

"And do you Tiffany Marceline, take Tom Holland as your wedded husband?" the priest questioned.

"I do," Tiff said.

"Both shall proclaim their promise," the priest continued.

"Tiffany Marceline, from this day until forever, I take you as my wife. I promise to love you, to be your best friend, to respect and support you, to work together with you in achieving our goals, to accept you unconditionally, and to share my life with you forever," Tom said.

"Tom Holland, from this day until forever, I take you as my husband. I promise to love you, to be your best friend, to always respect and support you, to work together with you in achieving our goals, to be with you in any conditions, and to share my life with you forever," Tiff said.

"And what was united by God cannot be split by man. Now I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride," the priest announced.

The bride kissed whilst everyone in the room cheered for their happiness.

to be continued...

Thank you for reading :)

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